Salisbury--Ralph (Student--1946-1948)

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Running
College Eye 39:31, p.8
2 And the dawn broke clear
College Eye 39:31, p.5
3 Sugared spruces
College Eye 39:31, p.8
4 Dreamer
College Eye 39:31, p.8
5 The meek inherit
College Eye 39:31, p.8
6 A ride
College Eye 39:31, p.8
7 "The Duke" tells all to Eye staffers
College Eye 39:18, p.6
Reviews the performance of Duke Ellington on campus; photo.
8 Intramural cagers produce upsets; LaMaster tops scoring list with 52
College Eye 39:17, p.4
Dean LaMaster holds the scoring record of the intramural basketball season with fifty-two points; photo.
9 My lady!
College Eye 39:9, p.3
Gordon Ellis displays chivalry towards Sadie B. Campbell, while students look on, as a part of Local Courtesy Week; photo.
10 Untitled
College Eye 39:3, p.1
Two Boy Scouts from Cedar Falls raise the flag at the home football game; photo.
11 Student Glimpses
College Eye 38:43, p.2
Profile of student Carl Webber.
12 Student Glimpses
College Eye 38:42, p.2
Profile of student Jim Lund.
13 Student Glimpses
College Eye 38:41, p.2
Profile of student Marjory Belt.
14 English, Irish, Scottish girls wed Yanks, find home here
College Eye 38:41, p.1
Profiles of women who married American servicemen; photo.
15 Student Glimpses
College Eye 38:40, p.2
Profile of student Clarence Westphal.
16 Student Glimpses
College Eye 38:39, p.2
Takes a look into the life of TC student Margaret Doty.
17 Student Glimpses
College Eye 38:38, p.2
Takes a glimpse into the life of TC student Red Ellertson.
18 Student Glimpses
College Eye 38:36, p.2
Profile of Bill Eells.
19 Shirley Jarman 'Queen of Queens' chosen 'Miss Focus' of '47
College Eye 38:32, p.1
Shirley Jarman was named Miss Focus by group of campus photographers; photo.
20 . . . Starting young
College Eye 38:27, p.1
Students of Mr. Melvin Schneider at the Campus School have learned how to play the recorder; photo.
21 . . . Orchesis
College Eye 38:26, p.1
A scene from the Orchesis program that was performed last Friday; photo.
22 Untitled
Alumnus 31:2, p.
Students canoe on Prexy's Pond; photo.
23 Frolickers rest
College Eye 38:25, p.3
Jody Kingland, Bill Brown, Nancy Lauer, and Ross McElhinney relax after participating in the Farmers' Frolic; photo.
24 Blind students amaze FBLA meeting; demonstrate facility with machines
College Eye 38:22, p.8
Two students from the Vinton school demonstrate their skills on business machines; photo.
25 . . . Let it snow, let it snow! We've go out dreams to keep us warm! . . .
College Eye 38:16, p.1
The Old Gold Beauty candidates wearing their swimsuits for the pageant; photo.
26 Strut stuff at dance
College Eye 38:14, p.6
The Christmas formal was attended by 260 couples, with music from Cliff Block's orchestra; photo.
27 Commons style show proves successful
College Eye 38:11, p.1
A scene from last Friday night's style show; photo.