Schares--Allen Thomas (Class of 1979; Broadcasting

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Metro Civic Opera to open its second season
Northern Iowan 78:60, p.8
A look at the company and its summer work; photo.
2 Political awareness workshop offered at Cultural Center
Northern Iowan 78:60, p.1
Fred Gilbert will speak.
3 EMCEC head named
Northern Iowan 78:59, p.2
Naomi Caruthers named acting head of EMCEC.
4 NI cartoonist honored
Northern Iowan 78:59, p.2
Tim Hantula receives honorable mention in Rolling Stone competition.
5 State audit examines use of EOP funds
Northern Iowan 78:58, p.1
Audit finds $15,000 in questionable expenses; description of questionable expenses; photo.
6 EOP evaluators call for reorganization
Northern Iowan 78:56, p.1
Highlights of EOP outside evaluation; Norris Hart prepares lengthy response.
7 EOP director resigns to take new role
Northern Iowan 78:55, p.1
In wake of EOP evaluation, UNI administration decides to reassign Norris Hart and Patricia Edwards; Norris Hart resigns.
8 Final EOP performance evaluation completed
Northern Iowan 78:53, p.1
Evaluation team working on report; should be reported to Faculty Senate in May; Tom Remington elected Senate chair; Fred Hallberg is vice chair; establish graduate student grievance procedures; establish deadlines for grades to be turned in.
9 Upper Iowa students may establish credit through UNI's ROTC
Northern Iowan 78:49, p.1
ROTC program may add faculty member; considers emeritus status procedures.
10 UNI junior wins award for essay
Northern Iowan 78:48, p.14
Judy Ireland wins award; list of other winners at Student as Critic Conference; photo.
11 Fundraising begins for UNI stations
Northern Iowan 78:44, p.8
Program highlights.
12 Non-commercial radio faces financial crisis
Northern Iowan 78:44, p.1
Doug Vernier talks about the financial situation for public radio.
13 Religion specialists visit
Northern Iowan 78:43, p.8
John and Denise Lardner-Carmody will be on campus.
14 EOP evaluation team approved by senate
Northern Iowan 78:43, p.1
Robert Carter, Jack Kirkland, and Clarence Shelley will visit campus.
15 Humanities fine arts scholarships available
Northern Iowan 78:42, p.9
List of CHFA scholarships available.
16 Dean applicants selected
Northern Iowan 78:42, p.3
List of five finalists in CHFA dean search.
17 Holvik honored at Tallcorn
Northern Iowan 78:38, p.12
Professor Holvik receives distinguished service award; photo.
18 EOP facilitator appointed
Northern Iowan 78:38, p.1
Paul Rider will be on-campus facilitator for EOP outside evaluation; Faculty Senate will consider re-defining voting and non-voting faculty status.
19 NAR editor wins literature award
Northern Iowan 78:35, p.7
Professor Wilson wins Drue Heinz Literature Prize.
20 Orchesis: energetic relaxation
Northern Iowan 78:34, p.12
Barbara Darling talks about the troupe and about the upcoming show.