Stine--Don (Class of 1964)

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ceylonese national dancers seek Cedar Falls hospitality
College Eye 56:23, p.10
Profile of the group.
2 World-famous saxophonists enjoy SCI band tour
College Eye 56:21, p.5
Sigurd and Karin Fascher talk about their tour; photo.
3 Survey shows readers like features, sports, editorials
College Eye 56:15, p.1
Results of survey of SCI students on the College Eye.
4 13th jazz concert Monday, Tuesday
College Eye 56:10, p.1
A look at the program; photo.
5 Joan of Arc, wolves, gun on 4th floor of library
College Eye 56:9, p.8
A look at the Museum collections; photo.
6 All new for '62 in first SCI homecoming parade
College Eye 56:4, p.10
Preview of the parade.