Student Wellness Services Staff

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Make time for you before finals
Northern Iowan 117:53, p.3
Student Wellness Services offers ways to help prevent stress during finals week.
2 National STD Awareness Month: Get yourself tested!
Northern Iowan 117:49, p.3
Student Wellness Services urges students to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during STD Awareness Month; photo.
3 Stay safe this homecoming
Northern Iowan 117:47, p.4
Student Wellness Services provides safety tips for students as Homecoming 2020.5 approaches.
4 HPV vaccines available at Student Health Center
Northern Iowan 117:37, p.4
Vaccines for human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, are now available through the Student Health Center; photo.
5 SWS asks "Do you have condom sense?"
Northern Iowan 117:31, p.3
Student Wellness Services discusses the importance of using contraceptives and promotes their "Condom Sense" program; photo.
6 Get a health coach!
Northern Iowan 117:28, p.3
Student Wellness Services encourages students so utilize the Wellness Coaching service.
7 Take time for you this finals season
Northern Iowan 117:24, p.3
Student Wellness Services gives advice as finals approach; photo.
8 Have an attitude of gratitude this season
Northern Iowan 117:22, p.3
Student Wellness Services discusses ways to express gratitude on campus.
9 Stay safe in social settings: Do it for YOU!
Northern Iowan 117:18, p.1
Student Wellness Services outlines steps students can take to keep themselves safe in the pandemic; photo.
10 Spread the word, not germs!
Northern Iowan 117:13, p.3
A list of suggestions for preventing COVID-19 transmission on campus from Student Wellness Services; photo.
11 Wellness Services: stay safe this spring break
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.3
Student Wellness Services offers tips in regards to alcohol, sexual health, friends, and phone safety.
12 Wellness Services: Eating Disorder Awareness Week
Northern Iowan 116:37, p.3
Student Wellness Services discusses eating disorders and upcoming events for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week February 24-28, including Love Your Body Yoga, Guest Speaker Kara Richardson Whitely, The Gene Project, Intuitive Eating Lunch & Learn, and Fat Talk Free Friday; photo.
13 SWS: protect yourself with HPV vaccine
Northern Iowan 116:36, p.3
Student Wellness Services urges students of all genders to get the Gardasil 9 vaccination, which helps prevent cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection; photo.
14 Wellness Services: Join the "Joyful Mover" Movement
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.3
Student Wellness Services (SWS) encourages students to focus on "Joyful Movement," a mindset where participants engage in physical activity that ignites interest, fueled by intrinsic motivation. They discuss how physical activity can impact spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, emotional, social, and financial wellness; photo.
15 Wellness Services: De-Stress Days at UNI
Northern Iowan 116:25, p.3
Student Wellness Services gives tips on how to lessen stress and discusses the return of De-Stress Days in the lead-up to finals. Activities and events will include emotional support animals, coloring, crafts, puzzles, hot chocolate or tea, and much more in the Maucker Union Ballroom; photo.
16 Wellness Services: express gratitude everyday
Northern Iowan 116:20, p.3
Student Wellness Services reminds students that as finals and deadlines approach, expressing gratitude every day can make for a healthier and more emotionally stable lifestyle; photo.
17 Wellness Services: homecoming safety tips
Northern Iowan 116:9, p.3
Student Wellness Services provides tips on how to have a safe homecoming; photo.
18 SWS: wellness coaching
Northern Iowan 116:4, p.3
Student Wellness Services offers Wellness Coaching to students as method of support.
19 Relax in the Union at "De-stress Days"
Northern Iowan 115:51, p.3
Student Wellness Services (SWS) discusses tips for well-being and invites readers to De-Stress Days, hosted by SWS and the Student Health Advisory Committee April 29 - May 1; photo.