Sumpter--Gloria Jean (Grad Assistant--2011)
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Racism, or just ignorance and stupidity? Northern Iowan 108:50, p.4 |
Personal response to questioning by public safety officers; photo. | |
2 | When solidarity is really not solidarity Northern Iowan 108:46, p.4 |
Believes that self evaluation is needed to come to terms with biases. By knowing ourselves, we can better understand those from different backgrounds; photo. | |
3 | Obtaining the American 'Dream' Northern Iowan 108:38, p.4 |
The dream should not exclude others by way of racism, classism, sexism, ageism, or ableism. The dream should be available to anyone who is willing to work hard and obey the law of the land. | |
4 | The truth of the matter Northern Iowan 108:34, p.5 |
The 99 percent need to be concerned about issues of race, class, and gender. The 1 percent is isolated from these concerns. Diversity is used as the power to use communication and conversation in a positive manner. | |
5 | New Year's resolution Northern Iowan 108:30, p.6 |
Author's goal is not to look at people as Republican, Democrat, Green, or Libertarian, but rather to look at others as strength to our country; photo. | |
6 | Everyone needs to know that someone cares Northern Iowan 108:25, p.3 |
A smile, a hello, or a thumbs up can help another person's attitude. Friends are important, but just being pleasant to everyone brightens their day and yours; photo. | |
7 | Giving honor to whom honor is due Northern Iowan 108:24, p.5 |
A moving tribute to the late Professor Janet McClain. She was an inspiration to everyone she touched. She is truly missed; photo. | |
8 | Can we compromise, please? Northern Iowan 108:21, p.5 |
Shuttle transportation after 5PM urged for those who study, use computer labs, or practice late in the day. Shuttles at 10PM twice a week would be a start. | |
9 | Those pesky evergreens Northern Iowan 108:18, p.5 |
Compares people's traits to trees. Evergreens are those who are unwilling to change or be influenced by outside forces. There are many ideas, cultures, and backgrounds to discover, if we were people who could change with the seasons. | |
10 | Victims of our society Northern Iowan 108:15, p.4 |
Domestic violence has been around since Biblical times. The rapist should be the one harassed, asked all the embarrassing questions, and have family and friends asked about his mental state. | |
11 | Under pressure Northern Iowan 108:12, p.5 |
Thoughts shared surrounding the ticketing of a BMW on campus. Even an expensive car does not escape a parking ticket. It was the right thing to do. | |
12 | Richness rather than threat Northern Iowan 108:8, p.4 |
Diversity of culture should not be a threat to educated people. Get to know those from another culture on campus. You will learn as much from them as they will from you. | |
13 | This area is designated Northern Iowan 107:54, p.8 |
Seeks the safe and welcoming feeling of Rod Library for other areas on campus. Humans tend to stay within their comfort zones. Believes that our lives would be better served by talking to and getting to know those of other cultures and beliefs. | |
14 | Awareness Month: is hooking up letting you down? Northern Iowan 107:50, p.12 |
April is STD Awareness Month. Men and women are urged to get tested. | |
15 | Are we overlooking something? Northern Iowan 107:47, p.11 |
The president, administration, and Bias Response Team all echo the call for diversity and calm and moral interactions on our campus. Students need to form a coalition concerned with the needs of their fellow students and members of the University. | |
16 | Participation and encouragement are key when encountering diversity Northern Iowan 107:44, p.11 |
Believes people need a "push" to look at other cultures or life experiences. The presence of a member of the administration at the Latino Ball was noted and appreciated. Perhaps credit could be given for attendance at speeches from diverse speakers. | |
17 | An end to gender, at least in my mind Northern Iowan 107:41, p.11 |
A revealing moment in a person's life. Readers urged to embrace the talents and gifts that people around us bring to us. We are accountable for our deeds. | |
18 | Yawns and Oh No's Booksellers Northern Iowan 107:38, p.9 |
African-American Read-In organization found that Barnes and Noble do not carry very many books for minority groups. It was suggested that some people do not read books; hence the suggested name change. | |
19 | Encouraging putting students first Northern Iowan 107:34, p.14 |
Putting students first is seeing the campus and the learning experience through the eyes of students. Snow removal is vital for those in wheelchairs on campus. | |
20 | Praises for campus cafeterias and whole food Northern Iowan 107:31, p.8 |
Research found 'Hot Pockets' ingredients to include the chemicals used in Plaster of Paris. The food quality and food safety on campus suddenly becomes more appreciated. | |
21 | A blind eye Northern Iowan 107:28, p.10 |
Urges readers to look beyond the color of someone's skin and get beyond their religious beliefs. Look at people as people who have the same needs and desires as you do. |