Sundberg--Anne M. (Class of 1982)

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:24, p.13
Allocate money to student organizations; consider opposition to missile development.
2 Reception held to honor Sage
Northern Iowan 79:22, p.7
Will honor 50 years of service to UNI by Professor Sage.
3 NBCDI opens chapter
Northern Iowan 79:22, p.7
National Black Child Development Institute group organizes.
4 Sam: an alternate life style
Northern Iowan 79:22, p.5
5 UNI-GLO schedules meeting
Northern Iowan 79:21, p.6
Will hold public meeting.
6 Rape victim encourages the reporting of assaults
Northern Iowan 79:20, p.8
7 Officer to be hired
Northern Iowan 79:20, p.6
Full time officer should be on the job by July 1, 1983.
8 Kamerick issues statement on problem of rape
Northern Iowan 79:19, p.1
President Kamerick outlines security measures.
9 Cranston to speak Thursday
Northern Iowan 79:19, p.1
10 New algebra class to be offered
Northern Iowan 79:19, p.3
Will offer elementary algebra.
11 UNI NAACP chapter holds conference on racism
Northern Iowan 79:19, p.4
12 Conference ended
Northern Iowan 79:18, p.7
Janice Morgan attends conference on home economics.
13 Telecourse offered
Northern Iowan 79:18, p.6
Course on Civil War offered.
14 Neuroscientist to lecture
Northern Iowan 79:17, p.4
Karl Pribram will speak.
15 Agriculture candidate Riordan fights to save family farm
Northern Iowan 79:16, p.7
Jim Riordan will speak; photo.
16 Program fights rape problem
Northern Iowan 79:16, p.1
Women's Action League holds vigil; presents petition to President Kamerick; photo.
17 'Who' takes Dome by storm
Northern Iowan 79:14, p.11
Review of the performance by "The Who" at the UNI-Dome.
18 Students can still register to vote
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.5
Table of percentages of registered voters broken down by residence hall.
19 The . . . Vers rock on
Northern Iowan 79:12, p.10
The reviewer gives a positive review of rock group The . . . Vers; photo.
20 Professor submits to book
Northern Iowan 79:12, p.9
Professor Gish writes chapter on Paul Horgan.
21 ODE sponsors forum
Northern Iowan 79:12, p.4
Lynn Cutler and Cooper Evans will speak.
22 LaRocque elected vice-chair
Northern Iowan 79:9, p.7
Will be vice-chair of DPI advisory committee.
23 Counseling, Career Center schedule fall programs
Northern Iowan 79:8, p.5
List of group activities.
24 Kamerick to France
Northern Iowan 79:8, p.1
Will lead AASCU group in hopes of establishing stronger ties with French institutions.
25 Conference date set
Northern Iowan 79:7, p.9
Will consider mathematics in the curriculum.
26 Branstad stresses experience
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.1
Terry Branstad states positions; photo.
27 Hadden is new Young Democrats president
Northern Iowan 79:5, p.11
Larry Hadden elected president of state chapter.
28 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:4, p.4
Senate meeting notes.
29 UNISA to show film
Northern Iowan 79:4, p.4
Will show "Pica-Don".
30 Dittrich to assist organizations
Northern Iowan 79:4, p.4
Jim Dittrich appointed Assistant Director of Student Activities; offers his viewpoint.
31 Diemer emphasizes his background to students
Northern Iowan 79:3, p.3
Representative Diemer expresses his views.
32 Support group forms
Northern Iowan 79:3, p.7
Group will deal with those who have experienced sexual aggression.
33 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:3, p.3
UNISA president announces administrative changes from the summer; racism issues are discussed.
34 Blacks level racism charge at Stansbury
Northern Iowan 79:2, p.1
Students upset about proposed move of the Reverend Burris's office.
35 Student political parties prepare to make candidates known
Northern Iowan 79:2, p.3
College Republicans and Young Democrats leaders talk about their plans for the fall.
36 Union Policy Board position open
Northern Iowan 79:2, p.3
37 Security issues permits
Northern Iowan 79:1, p.3
Rules for parking lot eligibility; photo.
38 'War' participants thanked
Northern Iowan 78:50, p.2
Anne Sunberg thanks all those who wrote letters protesting Reaganomics.
39 UNISA thanks Koloc supporters for concert success
Northern Iowan 78:29, p.2
Bonnie Koloc concert was a success; raised over $2,500.
40 UNISA VP urges rally attendance
Northern Iowan 78:18, p.2
Students are encouraged to attend rally concerning the 10% tuition increase passed by the Board of Regents.
41 Middle Earth Catering: good food at low prices
Northern Iowan 78:3, p.12
Description of business run by Benjamin Parker.
42 His project gets public evaluation
Northern Iowan 77:24, p.16
Senior theatre major Doug Getzoff; photo.
43 Are all people created equal? Draft, unisex bathrooms not issues
Northern Iowan 77:16, p.2
Wants people to understand the ERA and hopes they will vote for it.
44 'Iowa drastically behind in support of arts'
Northern Iowan 77:9, p.9
Kathleen Nolan expresses opinions; photo.
45 David Carey joins Theatre UNI
Northern Iowan 77:7, p.11
Profile of David Carey, who will be in charge of promotion and publicity; photo.
46 Lyric Theatre head sees promising season
Northern Iowan 77:4, p.13
John Pape discusses trends in the musical theatre as a whole and where UNI is heading for the year.
47 Explains meaning of ERA
Northern Iowan 77:4, p.2
Explains the Equal Rights Amendment and urges everyone to consider it seriously.