Ta--Linh Mai (Student--2011)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 104 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Letter to the editor
Northern Iowan 111:40, p.3
Student Linh Ta urges students to vote for Renae and Katie for student government.
2 Northern Iowa Student Government
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.
Describes the purpose of Northern Iowa Student Government and lists the students involved in NISG for next year; photo.
3 Saying goodbye to the Northern Iowan
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.3
The executive editor bids the Northern Iowan readers goodbye. She will be graduating at the end of the semester.
4 Follow-up on Student Services Fee
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.3
Corrects a statement made about the Student Services Fee that was printed in the April 28 issue of the Northern Iowan.
5 Fight apathy, become an activist
Northern Iowan 110:55, p.3
Says that many of the world's problems could be fixed if people cared more; photo.
6 More transparency needed for SSF. Administration should re-examine fee process
Northern Iowan 110:54, p.4
Author would like an to know why President Ruud approved an additional $25 to the Student Services Fee for athletics without the recommendation of the Student Service Fee Committee. The student body also recommended against the additional fee; photo
7 Committee unaware of fee hike
Northern Iowan 110:52, p.1
A $25 increase in the Student Services Fee for 2015 was passed without the knowledge of several Student Services Fee Committee members. The fee funds services such as NISG, the Northern Iowan, and athletics; photo.
8 University of Iowa ad elicits concerns at UNI
Northern Iowan 110:46, p.3
Linh Ta writes about the University of Iowa advertisement that was featured in the March 27 issue of the Northern Iowan. She explains that the paper will not censor or deny anyone a voice whether it be an article or an ad.
9 Depression hits home in Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 110:42, p.1
Talks about the rates of students suffering from depression and the types of issues they face. Gives statistics for the three Iowa state schools.
10 UNI employees victims of tax fraud: at least 53 reports of fraud have been filed by UNI Police
Northern Iowan 110:40, p.1
Fifty-three UNI employees have been victims of tax fraud this year. When they went to file their taxes, they received an error code that told them their social security number had already been used to file taxes.
11 Valentine's weekend uncensored: actors present series of graphic stories, empower women
Northern Iowan 110:37, p.1
"The Vagina Monologues" covered several topics pertaining to womanhood this past weekend. "The Vagina Monologues" are different stories about women and their vaginas; photo.
12 UNI student gets dream internship
Northern Iowan 110:35, p.
Daye Pope landed an internship in Washington, D. C., where he will be working with the Victory Fund organization.
13 Newspapers keep UNI safe from corruption
Northern Iowan 110:31, p.5
Lihn Ta, executive editor of the Northern Iowa, strives for transparency at the university through investigative stories. She encourages students to reach out to the Northern Iowan about topics of interest. The paper wishes to keep students informed.
14 Branstad's budget hits UNI issues
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1
UNI will receive an extra $8 million for the next two fiscal years, if Governor Branstad's 2015 budget is passed. This is not as much as UNI requested. Branstad also requested $32.9 million to renovate Schindler Education Center; photo.
15 CF bus route may face changes
Northern Iowan 110:26, p.1
The Cedar Falls City Council will vote on reducing bus hours or eliminating the bus route all together. Many international students and underclassmen rely on the bus system to get around Cedar Falls, and this change would greatly affect them; photo.
16 Man arrested for child endangerment
Northern Iowan 110:26, p.1
Conar Reed was arrested for child endangerment and obstruction of emergency communication on campus. Reed was caring for an infant for several days at Hillside Courts. When the mother returned she noticed bruising on the infants buttocks.
17 UNI community gives feedback on higher education reforms
Northern Iowan 110:24, p.1
UNI was selected as one of four schools in the nation to hold a public hearing with the U.S. Department of Education about college affordability. Administration is looking to tie federal financial aid to a rating system based on educational value; photo.
18 Police discover missing 'Phi' sign
Northern Iowan 110:21, p.1
The "Phi" sign on Alpha Phi's house has been stolen twice this semester. Police have found the "Phi" sign in a student's dorm room along with drugs and equipment to make fake id's. The case is still under investigation; photo.
19 Graffiti smears campus after Halloween
Northern Iowan 110:21, p.1
Several graffiti reports were filed with police after Halloween. The Honors Cottage, Center for Multicultural Education, and a house off Seerley Boulevard are some of the locations vandalized. Police are looking for the culprit; photo.
20 UNI requests more funding for athletics from students: Athletics hopes to reduce reliance on general fund
Northern Iowan 110:20, p.1
UNI is requesting the approval of the Board of Regents in raising the student services fee by $25. This would allow the athletic department to reduce their reliance on the general education fund.
21 Regents approve education center
Northern Iowan 110:18, p.1
The Iowa Board of Regents approved plans to open a new education center, "The Center for Educational Transformation" at the University of Northern Iowa. The center will replace Malcolm Price Laboratory.
22 Remembering a professor, colleague, and friend
Northern Iowan 110:17, p.1
Professor Cliff Chancey passed away on October 19. He was a beloved professor and colleague. Funeral services will be held at 10:30a.m. on Saturday, October 26 at First United Methodist Church.
23 Student who reported sexual assault faces false filing charges
Northern Iowan 110:17, p.1
A sexual assault was reported in ROTH residence hall on September 15. Since then, the police have uncovered that the sexual activity was consensual. Elizabeth Richmann, the woman that reported the assault, is facing false filing charges.
24 Remembering Catherine Gallagher
Northern Iowan 110:15, p.5
Catherine Gallagher passed away on October 14, 2013, at Allen Memorial Hospital. Catherine and her husband Ed were major contributors to the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. The Gallaghers were also big supporters of Panther athletics; photo.
25 Shutdown ends; faculty research up in the air
Northern Iowan 110:15, p.1
The government shutdown has affected faculty research at UNI. Funding was unavailable during the government shutdown as were as all of the federally-managed websites and services. Faculty hope that things will return to the pre-shutdown state quickly.
26 Regents will discuss tuition and fees
Northern Iowan 110:15, p.5
The Iowa Board of Regents will meet at UNI to discuss funding for the 2014-15 fiscal year. The Regents are considering an increase in funding, which would freeze the tuition rate. UNI is requesting approval for a Center for Educational Transformation.
27 After big win, Sanchez plans activism for future
Northern Iowan 110:14, p.1
Steven Sanchez was voted Homecoming queen. He has received support from the majority of UNI. His confidence has been raised due to how UNI has supported him; photo.
28 Biological male nominated for Homecoming queen
Northern Iowan 110:13, p.1
Steven Sanchez was nominated for Homecoming queen. He identifies as a male transgender student or gender queer. He felt honored that many people supported him and said they would vote for him; photo.
29 An open letter to UNI President William Ruud
Northern Iowan 110:10, p.3
Linh Ta talks about the installation of President Ruud. Expresses concern about the different issues UNI is currently facing. Encourages President Ruud to remember his goals, aspirations, and commitment to serving the UNI community.
30 UNI hires new UR director
Northern Iowan 110:6, p.1
UNI recently hired UNI alumnus Scott Ketelsen as director of University Relations. Mr. Ketelsen knows that UNI has gone through a rough patch, but he thinks the future is very bright.
31 BOR approves big-ticket items
Northern Iowan 110:5, p.1
UNI's official enrollment this year reached 12,159 students. This number is higher than predicted, but lower than last fall's enrollment. At the Board of Regents meeting UNI requested $10 million to help with renovations to Schindler Education Center.
32 UNI career fair provides opportunities
Northern Iowan 110:4, p.4
The annual UNI career fair will be held on September 16th. This is an opportunity for students to speak with many organizations and potential employers. Students should prepare themselves accordingly and act professional; photo.
33 The BOR will discuss big UNI items at meeting
Northern Iowan 110:4, p.1
UNI is requesting approximately $10 million from the Iowa Board of Regents. The university is hoping that this amount will be awarded yearly to UNI. This money would allow UNI to freeze tuition rates and renovate Schindler Education Center.
34 Dashing in drag at Cedar Valley Pridefest
Northern Iowan 110:2, p.9
There were many different events featured at the Cedar Valley Pridefest. One of these events was the 4th Street Drag Race. Participants donned a new article of clothing each leg of the race for a completed drag outfit at the finish; photo.
35 Faculty evaluations suspended
Northern Iowan 110:2, p.1
Student evaluations of professors will not affect tenure or salary of their professors this year, because the faculty and administration did not get a new evaluation process prepared and approved in time.
36 Millennials living back at home on the rise
Northern Iowan 110:1, p.1
Many recent graduates are having a difficult time finding a job, and some are even having to move back home with their parents. Although there are some advantages to moving back home, it is best to find a job early.
37 16. Letter from the editor
Northern Iowan 109:54, p.
The new executive editor of the Northern Iowan, Linh Ta, gives advice to incoming freshman. She encourages students to read the Northern Iowan; photo.
38 Hurst and Jessip appointed by Senate
Northern Iowan 109:53, p.1
The Northern Iowa Student Government senate approved the appointments of Victoria Hurst and Alicia Jessip. Victoria Hurst will become the new director of governmental relations; Alicia Jessip will become the director of diversity and student life, photo.
39 Protest incites student response
Northern Iowan 109:53, p.1
Protesters from Missionaries to the Pre-Born gathered outside of the Maucker Union to protest abortion and homosexuality. Groups of students opposed this protest and formed their own counter-protest group, photo.
40 Local legislators give update on issues at Iowa Capitol
Northern Iowan 109:51, p.1
Legislators met at UNI to discuss funding for higher education and health care reform. There may be a 2.6 percent increase in funding from the state for the three Iowa public universities; photo.
41 Pipe bomb found in Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 109:50, p.1
One day after the Boston Marathon attack, employees of the city of Cedar Falls found a pipe bomb in a storm drain in a residential area in Cedar Falls. The Cedar Falls police department, along with the Waterloo bomb squad, secured the scene.
42 Hansen's brings farm-fresh dairy to UNI dining
Northern Iowan 109:50, p.1
Hansen's Dairy Farm is responsible for supplying dairy items for Chats and Prexy's in Maucker Union. Hansen's Dairy Farm is a family-owned business that is located in Hudson, Iowa; photo.
43 NISG senate rejects 2 directors: Madsen and Findley say future plans are unknown
Northern Iowan 109:49, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government rejected both Beth Monnier and Elijah Seay for positions of the executive branch. Beth Monnier was running as the director of governmental relations, and Elijah Seay as the director of diversity and student life.
44 New senate rejects 2 of 4 executive branch candidates
Northern Iowan 109:48, p.1
The Northern Iowa Student Government's new president and vice-president, Tom Madsen and Blake Findley, appointed executive directors for NISG. The newly elected senators questioned the appointees. Two of the four appointees did not receive enough votes.
45 Branstad's BOR nominees rejected
Northern Iowan 109:48, p.1
Governor Branstad's appointment of Craig Lang and Robert Cramer to the Iowa Board of Regents was rejected by the Iowa Senate. Mr. Lang currently serves as the president of the Board of Regents.
46 Breaking up the old boy's club
Northern Iowan 109:47, p.1
Students and faculty and politicians gathered to discuss the question, "Women in politics: does it matter?". Many panelists agreed that having gender balance in government would be a beneficial thing for the state of Iowa.
47 NISG finalizes 2013-14 budget
Northern Iowan 109:47, p.1
The Northern Iowa Student Government has finalized the budget for the 2013-14 school year. Funds are down due to a decrease in enrollment. Many student organizations' funding requests have been considered in the budget.
48 Madsen and Findley elected student body president and vice president
Northern Iowan 109:41, p.1
Tom Madsen and Blake Findley will be the next student body president and vice president. They beat KaLeigh White and Alicia Jessip by a mere fourteen votes; photo.
49 UNI announces $15 million gift for teacher education
Northern Iowan 109:41, p.1
Richard Jacobson donated fifteen million dollars to the College of Education. The gift will benefit many students in the future. Mr. Jacobson's contributions to UNI total thirty million dollars; photo.
50 More UNI students taking extra year to graduate
Northern Iowan 109:36, p.1
Students are taking more time to graduate. They need to work more hours and therefore must take fewer credits. Double majors in particular take extra time.