Tenglin--Diane R. (Class of 1959)

Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Cat-Snip T
College Eye 50:32, p.2
Shares thoughts on what she learned in college.
2 Cat-Snip "T"
College Eye 50:30, p.2
Discuses ways to tell men on campus from women.
3 Cat-Snip "T"
College Eye 50:29, p.2
Discusses activities of springtime.
4 Cat-Snip "T"
College Eye 50:28, p.2
Random thoughts of campus.
5 Cat-Snip "T"
College Eye 50:27, p.2
Random thoughts of campus.
6 Cat-Snip T
College Eye 50:26, p.2
Random campus thoughts.
7 Cat-Snip "T"
College Eye 50:25, p.2
Random thoughts on college life.
8 Cat-Snip "T"
College Eye 50:16, p.2
Discusses the activities of finals week.
9 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:15, p.2
Gives some advice on preparation for finals.
10 Cat-Snip "T"
College Eye 50:14, p.2
Laments the loss of the paper's pet fish due to electricity-saving budget cuts.
11 Party-Line
College Eye 50:14, p.10
Tells a slightly different holiday story.
12 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:13, p.2
Random holiday warblings.
13 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:12, p.2
Discusses holidays and other random campus samplings.
14 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:11, p.2
Campus life commentary.
15 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:8, p.2
Discusses the weather and other issues of campus life.
16 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:7, p.2
Dissatisfied with the recent Homecoming festivities; praises one of the previous year's plays.
17 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:6, p.2
Explanation of Greek letters; Homecoming floats; leisure activities; a new sports section.
18 TC to migrate tomorrow; Augustana game draws TC crowd
College Eye 50:5, p.1
Buses and cars will go to Augustana.
19 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:5, p.2
Sarcastic commentary on campus sports.
20 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:3, p.2
Campus life commentary.
21 Cat-Snip 'T'
College Eye 50:2, p.2
Gives a thorough explanation for the title of the column.
22 Catsnip 'T'
College Eye 50:1, p.2
Laments the difficulties of writing a column.
23 Act against 'censorship'; NEA letter protested by faculty vote
College Eye 49:31, p.1
Regarding action taken by NASSP against Life magazine.
24 Splitting an Infinity
College Eye 49:30, p.2
Schabacker is lifted into flight by a gust of wind, hasn't been seen since.
25 Lush flowers reside in Wright
College Eye 49:16, p.7
Professor Picklum's orchids are on display; photo.
26 Splitting an Infinity
College Eye 49:16, p.2
Rules to live by during Finals Week.
27 The Timekeeper
College Eye 49:14, p.
A work of fiction about Christmas.
28 Christmas in the College
College Eye 49:14, p.
Poem describing Christmas at I. S. T. C.
29 Splitting an Infinity
College Eye 49:12, p.2
'Day people' and 'night people,' employment at KYTC, and the necessity for controversial issues at a college pep rally.
30 Costume, set make use of color, novelty
College Eye 49:6, p.5
A look at the costumes and set for "Squaring the Circle"; photo.