Thompson--Kenneth M. (Student--1940-1942)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Clues to the News
College Eye 34:1, p.2
Announces the upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
2 Clues to the news
College Eye 33:44, p.2

Recent and upcoming events on campus.

3 Clues to the News
College Eye 33:43, p.2
Recent and upcoming events on campus.
4 Clues to the news
College Eye 33:42, p.2
Recent and upcoming events on campus.
5 Clues to the News
College Eye 33:41, p.2
Describes upcoming programs on KXEL.
6 Clues to the News
College Eye 33:40, p.2
Describes KXEL's first radio broadcast and upcoming schedule.
7 Record Rambles
College Eye 33:36, p.2
Review of songs by various artists.
8 Some thoughts while moving into the new editor's office
College Eye 33:31, p.2
Thanks mothers for their contribution to the war effort, and comments on a grammar error made in a College Eye article.
9 Watching the World
College Eye 33:1, p.2
News from around the country and the world.