Thompson--Thomas H. (Philosophy and Religion Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Re-elect mayor Crews
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.4
Professor Thomas Thompson supports Mayor Jon Crews for reelection.
2 Spiritual emptiness: cause, cure
Northern Iowan 92:44, p.8
Believes gambling and other mindless activities have blighted lives.
3 Scholarship sources
Northern Iowan 80:11, p.2
Corrects mistake made in article about grants awarded.
4 'Handbook will not improve teaching'
Northern Iowan 76:9, p.2
Believes the new handbook for teachers will not improve teaching and give students the best education.
5 The faculty constitution and institution policies
Northern Iowan 68:54, p.3
Professor Fox attempts to define the various groups in the faculty.
6 "Allegations are false"
Northern Iowan 68:31, p.2
Claims faculty constitution does not take away student rights.
7 Oops! Prof corrects the Northern Iowan
Northern Iowan 68:5, p.2
Professor Thompson corrects many errors in recent report regarding Skip Day.
8 Educate those who fund universities
Northern Iowan 65:59, p.3
Professor Thompson believes that education is key to working around antagonism which has developed between the public and the universities.
9 'Private musings do not produce public benefits'
Northern Iowan 64:55, p.2
Outlines his views of the benefits of unionization.
10 Foresees watering down of general ed
Northern Iowan 64:37, p.3
Dislikes prospective Bachelor of Technology degree.
11 Various arts ends-in-themselves
College Eye 63:39, p.4
Attempts to define the function of art.
12 Voters on university meant discussible alternative
College Eye 60:57, p.2
Argues that SCI is not ready to be a university.
13 Men must beware of "black and white" value systems
College Eye 59:41, p.2
Previous calls to instill "clear and positive value systems" in students disturbs professor.
14 Child-parent gap often unbridgeable but advantageous
College Eye 59:34, p.2
Differences between lifestyles of generations is exaggerated too often; should be diminished.
15 'When class size increases, something has got to give'
College Eye 57:12, p.2
Professors must change the way they teach as the numbers in the classroom rise.
16 'Ought to remain a significant area of genuine choice' in general education
College Eye 56:33, p.2
Professor Thompson considers arguments of Professor Fox in reference to the general education program.
17 Other voices; the use and disuse of philosophy
College Eye 47:2, p.2
Professor Thompson writes about the value of philosophy.