Toppin--Ryan W. (Student--2002)

Displaying 1 - 38 of 38 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Cleaning out the closet
Northern Iowan 103:28, p.5
Students urged to discard clothing promoting Iowa and Iowa State.
2 Candy from strangers
Northern Iowan 103:27, p.7
The poisoning death of Alexander Livinenko brings back the use of poisoning in history.
3 Bah-humbug
Northern Iowan 103:26, p.7
Citizens urged to be calm and considerate during the holiday shopping season.
4 Schedule schisms
Northern Iowan 103:25, p.7
Commentary on UNI being the only state school having classes during the Thanksgiving week.
5 McLeod Center ushers in an era
Northern Iowan 103:24, p.5
Opening weekend events highlighted.
6 Sparking up smokers
Northern Iowan 103:23, p.7
Pros and cons of banning smoking on campus.
7 Anatomy of a hanging
Northern Iowan 103:22, p.7
Facts and explanation of how a person dies from hanging.
8 Slowing it down
Northern Iowan 103:22, p.5
Students urged to slow down when driving.
9 Doing good democracy
Northern Iowan 103:21, p.7
Students urged to vote. Young people need to share and express their good ideas.
10 Taking a break
Northern Iowan 103:20, p.7
Students urged to enjoy life. It is OK to relax and have fun sometimes.
11 Holes in the Bible belt
Northern Iowan 103:19, p.7
Fox will release "Borat" to 800 theatres, instead of the original planned 2200. Concern expressed that the Midwest will not have the opportunity to view the film.
12 Sub-zero self-imaging
Northern Iowan 103:18, p.7
Clothing for women caters to being freakishly thin.
13 Points-based bouncers
Northern Iowan 103:16, p.5
Editorial Board disagrees with the proposed athletic department's point system to award seats in the McLeod Center to students. Student section has a capacity of 1600.
14 Population control
Northern Iowan 103:15, p.5
Today the population of the United States has reached 300 million; suggests consideration of a birth control policy for the country.
15 Don't knock dentists
Northern Iowan 103:13, p.7
The importance of good dental hygiene and the aid of dentists is reviewed.
16 Be rowdy but respectful
Northern Iowan 103:12, p.5
Students urged to take part in all Homecoming activities. Be loud, rock the Dome, but do not let things get out of hand.
17 One year later, Gilchrist Hall remains closed
Northern Iowan 103:11, p.1
Officials talk about how the university has responded to the fire in Gilchrist Hall; investigation still proceeding; negotiations with insurance company probably drawing to close.
18 English in charge
Northern Iowan 103:10, p.5
The discussion of English as the official language continues.
19 Outbreak fear factor
Northern Iowan 103:9, p.7
Too much coverage of potential serious health risks, such as SARS and bird flu, has served to make Americans less likely to pay attention, because no actual outbreaks have been reported in the U.S.
20 Ads that don't add up
Northern Iowan 103:8, p.5
New research indicates that anti-drug ads are increasing the likelihood that young people will try marijuana.
21 Cedar Falls weekends
Northern Iowan 103:7, p.5
Students urged to consider staying on campus during the weekends; participation in campus events and interacting with friends seen as valuable experiences.
22 Burning pants epidemic
Northern Iowan 103:6, p.5
Lying is examined.
23 Rejuvenating sound for Campanile is building's b-day present
Northern Iowan 103:6, p.12
Celebration of the Campanile's 80th year serves as a kickoff for a renovation project. Carillonneur Karel Keldermans will perform; photo.
24 Warm dreams deferred
Northern Iowan 103:5, p.9
Editorial staff suggests ways to adjust to Iowa's changing seasons including; wearing hats, two pairs of socks, and walking faster.
25 Satire takes the stage
Northern Iowan 103:4, p.7
Northern Iowa editorial board stands behind the First Amendment, regarding its writers.
26 School is in session
Northern Iowan 103:3, p.5
Fall semester is well underway. Students are encouraged to attend class and use common sense.
27 Sounding off in the end
Northern Iowan 103:3, p.9
Various famous people are noted for their apparent shortcomings.
28 New club brings safe sword play to UNI
Northern Iowan 103:3, p.11
Medieval style combat using foam-padded weapons is now available to UNI students; photo.
29 Friendly first week
Northern Iowan 103:1, p.7
Smiles, meeting new people, and finding folks to hang out with dominate the first week of classes.
30 Flirting at the bar is in the eyes
Northern Iowan 102:46, p.9
Advice on ways to attract a man or a women; photo.
31 Proposed facility; body farm for forensic research
Northern Iowan 102:46, p.4
Professor Tyler O'Brien makes the case for the establishment of a local facility to study the effects of weather on the decomposition of corpses; photo.
32 Tips matter when drinking at the bar
Northern Iowan 102:45, p.15
Advice on getting better service in a bar.
33 Cedar Falls bars hold Fat Tuesday celebration
Northern Iowan 102:41, p.9
Bourbon Street and Voodoo Lounge offer special prices; brief history of Mardi Gras; photo.
34 UNI Outdoors to travel through Himalayas
Northern Iowan 102:38, p.11
Group will hike to an elevation of 18,200 feet and tour sites in Nepal; photo.
35 Check the definition of toxic
Northern Iowan 101:48, p.9
Supports Ryan Crane's recent column on the difference between alcohol and marijuana.
36 Music about personal taste
Northern Iowan 101:36, p.6
Thought Ned Kelly's original article could have been written with more thought.
37 Buelow's column and ideology lack proof
Northern Iowan 99:50, p.9
Disagrees with statements made by columnist Katie Buelow concerning moral relativism and Christianity.
38 Untitled
Northern Iowan 99:19, p.14
Claims that readers who've been writing negative letters about Jeremy Whitaker's statements need to have a sense of humor.