Wallendal--Heather M. (Class of 1995)

Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Hey, get back here
Northern Iowan 90:56, p.13
Heather Daters slides into second base; photo.
2 Mach-o, mach-o ma-an!
Northern Iowan 90:56, p.1
Joe Costello wins body-building title; photo.
3 Spring cleaning UNI!
Northern Iowan 90:55, p.1
Student picks up trash on campus; photo.
4 Gotcha!
Northern Iowan 90:54, p.1
Student plays frisbee; photo.
5 The library's story continues
Northern Iowan 90:53, p.10

A photo compilation of work being done on the Rod Library expansion; photo.

6 Welcome to UNI, enjoy your stay!
Northern Iowan 90:53, p.1
Visiting solar car receives parking ticket; photo.
7 Where are the songs of spring?
Northern Iowan 90:52, p.1
Students relax on Union; photo.
8 The gift of life . . . .
Northern Iowan 90:51, p.1
Students give blood; photo.
9 Untitled
Northern Iowan 90:50, p.11
Panelists participate in gender equity discussion; photo.
10 Now you can "nuke" it!
Northern Iowan 90:49, p.1
Student uses microwave oven in Union; photo.
11 "Trashy" art
Northern Iowan 90:48, p.1
Artwork uses trash cans; photo.
12 "They're baaa-ack!'
Northern Iowan 90:46, p.1
Student skateboards near Union.
13 Trash this!
Northern Iowan 90:45, p.1
William Rathje speaks on garbage; photo.
14 African-American experience on stage: Gray Panther mini-plays explore reconciliation, family life
Northern Iowan 90:44, p.10
Review of a series of plays from J. E. Franklin, "Hot Methuselah, Spanky's Pop, Putting Pippy Away, Two Mens'es Daughter and S'posed-to-be Daddy."
15 Spy at UNI
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.1
Philip Agee address crowd; photo.
16 "Rowdy Crowd" cheers Panthers
Northern Iowan 90:39, p.1
Students cheer in Rowdy Crowd contest; photo.
17 Cedar Falls' musical underground
Northern Iowan 90:38, p.8
Catamount Studio produces music locally; photo.
18 "Art"-ificial forest on display in Union
Northern Iowan 90:36, p.1
Work by Loren Sandvik on display; photo.
19 Untitled
Northern Iowan 90:32, p.14
Shantel Twiggs sprints to victory; photo.
20 Untitled
Northern Iowan 90:31, p.1
Harlem Globetrotters perform in Dome; photo.
21 Start you engines . . . NOT!
Northern Iowan 90:30, p.1
Student trying to start car in cold weather; photo.
22 Dining center preparation a day long affair; take a look "behind the scenes"
Northern Iowan 90:29, p.5
Food and menu preparation in Towers dining unit; photo.
23 Untitled
Northern Iowan 90:21, p.1
Jane Elliot, educator on racism and discrimination, spoke Thursday at UNI; photo.
24 And over here
Northern Iowan 90:20, p.1
Student gives tour to prospective students; photo.