Wilkins--Alan Michael (Student--2011)

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Department of Residence seeks applicants for RA positions
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.7
Department of Residence accepting applications for Resident Assistant positions. Includes details on application process and responsibilities.
2 Event focuses on female body image and race
Northern Iowan 109:25, p.1
Professor Sharron Clayton speaks at event on women's body image and its relation to race. Students comment on reactions and inspiration from event.
3 Kickoff highlights importance of international education
Northern Iowan 109:24, p.3
Assistant director Nadia Korobova views international education as essential between Americans and people around the world. This year's theme is "Striving for a healthier future worldwide". Prize drawings were held for scholarships and gift cards.
4 UNI holds flag ceremony, reception for Veterans Day
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.1
ROTC instructor Major Kristy Rose reflects on changes in the way citizens treat military personnel. Student Sean Stricker expresses appreciation of Veterans Day since childhood; photo.
5 Students, citizens and alumni gather at Homecoming Festival
Northern Iowan 109:17, p.6
Included display of murals and student organization booths; photo.
6 South Korean government honors American veterans
Northern Iowan 109:15, p.1
Over three hundred Korean War veterans were recognized nearly sixty years after the end of the Korean War. Veterans were awarded Ambassador for Peace medals for service in South Korea.
7 3 UNI faculty receive Fulbright Scholarships for research abroad
Northern Iowan 109:12, p.6
Fulbright scholarship grants awarded to Bettina Fabos, Kevin Finn, and Tammy Gregersen. Fabos and Finn conduct research in Hungary. Gregersen has already completed research in Chile.
8 UNI Proud hosts first small group spectrum of 2012-13 school year
Northern Iowan 109:8, p.4
Meeting involved breakout sessions led my two veteran members of the group. Labeling was the main theme of the discussion. Those in attendance shared how they had lost friends and even family when they announced their sexual preferences.
9 Evangelical 'extremists' exercise free speech
Northern Iowan 109:8, p.4
A confrontational style of ministry came to campus. Sister Cindy and Brother Jed are from a nondenominational church in Columbia, Missouri. Students seemed less than receptive to the message; photo.
10 Busy students can take five to 'Stop and Serve'
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.8
Stop and Serve allows students to help others by making snack bags for a food bank or blankets for new mothers at or below the poverty level. Great satisfaction comes from helping others.
11 Phase I of Panther Village dedicated
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.3
The newest residence hall on campus was dedicated on September 6, 2012; various speakers, refreshments, and tours were available; photo.
12 UNI Physics Department establishes agreement with Chinese high school
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.5
The agreement provides information to the high school and in return the high school will assist three students each year to enroll at UNI in physics. Increasing the enrollment and providing an international atmosphere is the goal; photo.
13 UNI student saves life while aboard
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.8
Austin Hedstrom used his life saving skills to save the life of a Chinese boy. Hedstrom saw the problem, reacted, and took immediate action. Back thrusts caused the boy to spit up water. Hedstrom then went with the boy to the hospital; photo.
14 Couple competes to produce minimal waste in documentary
Northern Iowan 108:51, p.2
"The Clean Bin Project", a documentary, was shown at the CEEE. The film showed the efforts of two roommates to cut down on waste. Washing Ziploc bags for reuse and making their own toothpaste helped reduce waste.
15 Half-Masted hosts Gorilla Theater
Northern Iowan 108:47, p.7
Actors perform scenes that are completely fictional. The group split into two teams for competition. The result was laughter and applause; photo.
16 Film looks at use of torture in Iraqi prison
Northern Iowan 108:39, p.7
"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" was shown as part of the Higher Ground: Community after 9/11. Many U. S. government authority figures allowed the torture to continue.
17 Anime brings students together to enjoy both new and old Japanese cartoons
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.8
Pokémon caught the interest of many students in high school. This interest in Japanese cartoons has carried over to their college years; photo.
18 UNI Gallery of Art presents latest three exhibits
Northern Iowan 107:52, p.5
Graduate students Jay Raabe and Sarah Deppe will display examples of studio art, performance art, photography, and sculpture. Print artists will be featured in an exhibit entitled, "Headshots".
19 UNI STAND presents movies on sexual violence in the Congo
Northern Iowan 107:49, p.1
Students Taking Action Now in Darfur presented documentaries showing the lives of Congolese women and men and their views on sexual violence; photo.
20 Nathanson discusses current debates on market capitalism
Northern Iowan 107:46, p.1
Stephen Nathanson, a professor of philosophy at Northeastern University in Boston, gave two presentations. He talked about socialism and terrorism justification.
21 UNI STAND presents Congo Month
Northern Iowan 107:44, p.5
Genocide awareness is the goal of the Friends of the Congo group meetings; photo.
22 GRE test gets revamped
Northern Iowan 107:44, p.1
The GRE General Test is changing to feature a new, test-taker friendly design and new questions and content more related to the kind of thinking required in today's graduate and business school programs.
23 James Zogby discusses America's view of Arabs
Northern Iowan 107:43, p.4
Author of "Arab Voices" presents some of the stereotypes Americans have of Arabs; photo.
24 Mark Grey discusses immigration in Iowa
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.2
Mexican immigration exploded in the early 1990's. Mexicans cross the border because of the lack of jobs, poor education, and because following the passage of the North American Free Trade Act, farmers could not compete; photo.
25 Darwin Week wraps up with a variety of speakers
Northern Iowan 107:36, p.1
Mark Blumberg lectured on his book "Freaks of Nature". Tyler O'Brien lectured on human evolution. Dan Barker, a former ordained minister, spoke on the shortcomings of religion. He is now an atheist; photo.