Williams--Jonathan Vincent (Class of 1991)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Engineers recognized for accomplishments
Northern Iowan 85:40, p.7
Contributions of engineers cited.
2 Criminology methods shown by Kansas State professor
Northern Iowan 84:56, p.7
Dan Maloon makes presentation.
3 Emotional effects of AIDS performed
Northern Iowan 84:52, p.4
4 USI represents students
Northern Iowan 84:49, p.4
Deb Blume talks about the purposes of USI.
5 Area legislators discuss funding of education
Northern Iowan 84:43, p.1
Attend legislative forum.
6 Professor appeals court decision
Northern Iowan 84:42, p.5
Student claimed he was mistreated in a class.
7 Engineers' Week underway
Northern Iowan 84:40, p.5
Douglas Pine outlines activities for the week.
8 Alcohol possession law may change
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.7
Relates to possession by minors.
9 R. A. candidates being interviewed
Northern Iowan 84:36, p.5
A look at the procedures for selection of resident assistants.
10 Albert Gore
Northern Iowan 84:35, p.3
11 U-bill change underway
Northern Iowan 84:34, p.1
Automated system should keep billing up to date.
12 Dropout rates are decreasing despite aid cuts
Northern Iowan 84:33, p.6
Phil Patton interprets statistics on why students leave school.
13 Ignorance blamed for default rate
Northern Iowan 84:32, p.4
Brian Will talks about the local default rate and the reasons that people get into trouble with their loans.