Wine--George (Sports Information Staff)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Wine applauds Homecoming
College Eye 52:6, p.8
George Wine of college relations thanks students and faculty for their participation and enthusiasm at Homecoming.
2 No direction . . . .
College Eye 51:18, p.6
Challenges Louis Bultena to define intellectualism.
3 Blue nose or libertine
College Eye 50:38, p.2
Advice on being an advisor to a student newspaper.
4 Death in the living room
College Eye 50:37, p.2
Considers plans to televise bullfights.
5 Diz still kills 'em only with his words
College Eye 50:35, p.4
A look at broadcasting style of Dizzy Dean.
6 Panther Roundup
Alumnus 44:1, p.9
Jim Jackson and Cliff Svoboda lead basketball team; season outlook for wrestling, track, and baseball; photo.
7 Second place picked for TC in conference poll
College Eye 50:12, p.7
Gives the rankings for ISTC and its peers.
8 "Good year" for cagers seen; height is to be big factor
College Eye 50:11, p.6
Guest reporter gives a preview of the upcoming season.
9 Coaches live in a "society of winners"
College Eye 50:6, p.11
Discusses the audience role in the Homecoming game.
10 "I want a few more winners . . . . "
Alumnus 41:3, p.16
Lengthy biographical article on Coach Starbeck; photo.