IndexUNI: Database of University Articles

Issue Viewer

College Eye - Friday, December 11, 1931 (Volume 23, Number 24)

Headline Page Type
Burley, Crawford, and Schrubbe will attend convention at Toledo 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Speech meet will be here; thirteen colleges will send delegates to forensic tournament in March 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Dr. Finkenbinder will be local delegate to Kappa Delta Pi national meet 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Tutor Ticklers are scheduled for February 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Co-eds discuss life problems; women students inaugurate plan for improvement organization 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Dr. Hanson will address special holiday services 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" is scheduled for Sunday 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Arnold Schneider will attend convention of Pi Omega Pi in Chicago 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Barrie play to be given; "What Every Women Knows" is next dramatic offering presented here 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Winter enrollment tops fall term registration 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Holiday dance is this evening; Wilson's Zenith Rhythm Kings will dispense musical entertainment 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Dr. Ruchmich of Iowa U gives annual research talk in assembly here 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Campus beauties to be chosen; annual beauty contest will be held next week 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Panthers meet Oklahoma; local cagers face veteran squad here tonight; six lettermen are among array of Teachers talent 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Holiday recess begins next Friday afternoon 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Dr. Nelson will address A. A. U. W. Tuesday 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Miriam Boysen, senior, gets air pilot license 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Fall term Honor Roll includes 31 men and 92 co-eds; Schneider heads list 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Co-eds give ground before males; odds now stand near two to one; six hundred twenty-eight men registered set new high mark 1 News /ni/1931/00000073.jpg
Peggy Lagen and Irving Wolfe are well received at recent recital here 2 Review /ni/1931/00000074.jpg
Katey lauds Hughes' for Christmas gifts 2 Advertisement /ni/1931/00000074.jpg
Six religious organizations unite for Christmas party tomorrow evening 3 News /ni/1931/00000075.jpg
A. D. A.'s awarded trophy at national convention 3 News /ni/1931/00000075.jpg
Kappa Theta Psi 3 News /ni/1931/00000075.jpg
Talitha Gerlach will speak to Y. W. C. A. Monday 3 News /ni/1931/00000075.jpg
Untitled 3 News /ni/1931/00000075.jpg
Press Club will hold open meeting 3 News /ni/1931/00000075.jpg
Christmas program is feature of Kappa Phi 3 News /ni/1931/00000075.jpg
Untitled 3 News /ni/1931/00000075.jpg
Big Ten teams scheduled for '31-32 season; Iowa State wrestlers will come here for first mat tourney 4 News /ni/1931/00000076.jpg
Eligibility rules changed this year for school tourney 4 News /ni/1931/00000076.jpg
Fritzel cuts yearling basketball squad down to forty-one aspirants 4 News /ni/1931/00000076.jpg
Burl Berry is most valuable; Berg Trophy presented to veteran center at banquet 4 News /ni/1931/00000076.jpg
Panthers will have nine grid games on schedule next fall 4 News /ni/1931/00000076.jpg
Kimberlin continues to improve after two weeks hospital rest 4 News /ni/1931/00000076.jpg
Gingles returns to school 4 News /ni/1931/00000076.jpg

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Contact Jaycie Vos, University Archivist | (319) 273-6307


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