Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Literary societies
Anderson--Edgar E.
Analysis of purpose, problems, and necessity of literary societies.
2 Music The pleasures of music.
3 Reason and faith
Hull--W. N.
Poem makes analogy between sun and moon and reason and faith.
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# Article Article Summary
4 A taste for reading
Wetherell--Kate M. (Class of 1881)
The wonderful reward of cultivating a good taste in reading.
5 My autograph album
Rowen--Lucy J.
The wonderful memories evoked by her album.
6 Scientific: some curiosities of arithmetic
Wright--David Sands (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Wright offers some interesting math problems.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Catacombs of Rome
Rawstern--Eliza Jane (Classes of 1879 and 1880)
Description of the catacombs.
8 Unsociability among women Comments on occasional quiet habits of women.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Extract from the Principal's report Numbers of students enrolled in various courses of study; breakdowns by class, terms taught, and home county..
10 Thanksgiving day came Students assemble for religious service and then enjoy a good dinner.
11 The new arrangements Decription of improvements in the building include painting, blackboards, library, cistern, carpeting, laboratory, and staff rooms.
12 The Students' Offering Roster of the staff.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Advantages of literature
DeGroff--Emma C.
The pleasures of enjoying good literature.
14 Ignorant criticism
Davis--May (Class of 1879)
Should rise above such criticism.
15 On the evening Faculty will attend ISTA meeting in Des Moines.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Humboldt
McGovern--Anna E.
Essay on the achievements of Alexander von Humboldt.
17 Our need of education
McManus--Alice (Class of 1879)
Will be the reward of hard work.
18 Our work
Bartlett--Moses Willard (English Faculty)
Essay on the importance of the teaching profession.
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# Article Article Summary
19 After a lengthy and extended discussion Faculty decide that baseball should not be taught to children under five.
20 Anna M. and Katie M. Jones Teaching near Fairfield.
21 Charlie Flint Will attend commercial college in Davenport.
22 Clel Gilchrist Will teach near Shell Rock.
23 D. K. Bond Has given up teaching at Cedar Falls High School on account of eye problems; will rest at home.
24 Ernest Everest Has married and is teaching near Nashua.
25 Fred Watkins Will not return to the Normal on account of poor health.
26 Funny-Graf First experiences of Normal faculty and students with a phonograph recorder.
27 George B. Phelps Teaching near Morrisonville, Illinois.
28 Henry C. Kasemier Left teaching to become Recorder of Bremer County.
29 Ida Perry Now at home.
30 Idella Chapman Health improved; will be assistant principal in Parkersburg.
31 James Miller Student at Beloit College.
32 Joey Byers Teaching in New Hampton.
33 John S. White Teaching near Cresco.
34 Laura Mann Teaching in Logan.
35 Lizzie Waterbury Returns to school; Electa is married.
36 Lucien S. Scott Marries Sarah Wells.
37 M. P. Lichty and E. T. Moyer Visit one November Sunday.
38 Maude Gilchrist Will teach in Model School at the Normal.
39 Miss Matz and Miss Hawkins Have left school on account of poor health.
40 Myra Pike Spent summer in Wisconsin and is now home.
41 Nellie Getchell Teaching in Independence.
42 Normal School directory Board, faculty, and staff of the school; calendar for 1878-1879 terms.
43 Only one number One issue of TSO will be published this term.
44 Prof. Hull's theory Humorous parody of poem.
45 Rome Benton Will teach near Shell Rock.
46 Rose Whited Teaching in Belmond.
47 Sarah Pierce, Mary L. Chapman, and Edward M. Rand Teaching in Osage.
48 Some good dramatic talent "Merchant of Venice" produced last month.
49 Sue Lombard Is home and in poor health.
50 The following persons Expect to teach winter schools.
51 The Normal Lecture Course Faculty speak and perform demonstrations to raise money for reference books.
52 The Philomathean Presents mock trial.
53 The Philomatheans and Alpha societies Are flourishing.
54 The reading contest Winners of contest announced.
55 There have been so many poems Humorous reference to bad boarding house food.
56 Tillie Palmer and Lizzie Davis Teaching in Grinnell.
57 W. I. Benham Will be principal in Cascade.
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# Article Article Summary
58 C. C. Shockey's Offers fruit and candy.
59 D. R. Pierce Offers shoes.
60 E. W. Babcock Offers clothing.
61 Photographs Offers photographic services.
62 The Gazette Office Offers printing services.
63 Theo. Hazlett Offers clothing and shoes.
64 Wilson & Williams Offers dry goods.
65 Wise & Bryant Books and stationers' supplies.