Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 India Essay.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Men of the Mayflower Essay.
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3 Normal cheerfulness Has always found cheerfulness at the Normal School.
4 Skilled teachers
Kraiger--Sara Elizabeth (Class of 1884)
Outlines skills needed by good teachers.
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5 A retrospective glance Enrollment is at record level; students making plans for next term; literary society work prospering but could be even better.
6 Force
Gilchrist--James Cleland (Principal of ISNS)
Professor Gilchrist presents essay on physics.
7 The Students' Offering Roster of staff.
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8 Bookkeeping
Hull--W. N.
Professor Hull outlines books needed in double entry bookkeeping.
9 It is reported Humorous note that Mrs. Gilchrist will give her husband a new handkerchief if he will refrain from using it in connection with experiments using sulphuric acid.
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# Article Article Summary
10 A new library catalogue Each student will receive a list of all books in the library; it will be arranged by subject, shelf number, and author.
11 A. H. Van Scey and Maggie H. Roberts Married recently.
12 A. T. Jones Goes out to teach in hopes that his health will be improved.
13 B. F. Langdon Auditor in Storm Lake.
14 Charles Williams and Nellie Getchell Married December 4, 1881.
15 Consummate ingenuity Students in Chapel building find way to communicate with students in main building.
16 D. B. Greigg Attending college in Illinois.
17 Ella Rich Teaching near Janesville.
18 Emily Gosden Teaching in Butler County.
19 Esther Carpenter Leaves school because of poor health.
20 F. Fiester Superintendent of penmanship in Clinton.
21 Fannie Overman Married Mr. Williams.
22 Florence Long Teaching in Homer.
23 Jessie E. Fitch Attending the University of Nebraska.
24 Laura Greene Finds initial opposition to, but later success with her methods of teaching.
25 Libbie Perkins Visits friends at Normal.
26 Luella Pollock Teaching in Ida Grove.
27 Mary Coddington Rowen Returns from Colorado to live in Janesville.
28 Mary D. Carr Engaged at institute in Toledo.
29 Mrs. Hunt Lectures on temperance; advises future teachers to preach temperance scientifically.
30 Over fifty teachers Have left school to go out to teach during the term.
31 Professor Hull Delivers new program card to Philomatheans.
32 School has lately been visited Former students visit.
33 Societies Philos meet every Saturday at 7PM; Alphas meet every Saturday evening.
34 Thanksgiving came and went Description of Thanksgiving meal and entertainment.
35 The marriage Dora M. Howard married T. M. Brown.
36 We also hear Sarah Pierce married Mr. Vaughn.
37 Y. M. C. A. lecture course Will consist of five lectures and one elocutionary entertainment.