Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Chapel Hall was crowded to its utmost capacity Detailed description of Alpha open session.
2 In the evolution of our present school system
Huget--James Percival
A long look at the purposes of the high school.
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# Article Article Summary
3 They have done it. Detailed account of baseball game between Aristos and Philos.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Auf Wieder Sehn and Renunciation
Ensign--Martha Baldwin
Two poems.
5 Bruce Francis Has been principal at Sheffield; has position at Dexter next year.
6 H. B. Lizer Elected principal at La Porte City.
7 Prof. G. S. Dick Charles City superintendent visits campus.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Miss Eva Leland Reelected at Cresco at $60 salary.
9 Miss Ida Schell Resigns as principal in Fort Dodge due to ill health.
10 School Directory Roster of officers of student organizations and military companies.
11 The battalion Invited to participate in Memorial Day exercises.
12 The genial countenance Bruce Francis visits friends on campus.
13 The meeting of the officers and committees YMCA plans next year's work.
14 The Normal will have a band Collection to raise money for instruments.
15 The second in a series of talks Talk by Miss McFarland well-attended.
16 The students are pleased Honored by presence of several faculty members at ball game.
17 The Y. M. C. A. L. A. Wescott will lead meeting; asks that athletics be suspended during the meeting time.
18 Wake up Could use some help in editing the newspaper.
19 Whom will you have Time to elect Normal Eyte staff.
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# Article Article Summary
20 A challenge Fourth Year class challenges Third Year and High School classes to a baseball game.
21 Kate Schell Will lead prayer meeting.
22 Major Dinwiddie has made the following appointments Roster of officers.
23 Miss Ethel Arey Left to begin teaching in Union Township, Black Hawk County.
24 Next Monday evening Young men of city will give entertainment to benefit the improvement of roads between the city and the Normal.
25 Now that the Philos have been victorious Philos won debate; Aristos won ballgame; a tie-breaker is needed; will it be croquet, track, mathematics, baseball?
26 Prof. Jameson, of Iowa City Surveying for new Normal sewer with University students; wonders why local students could not have helped.
27 Sunday evening prayer meeting R. C. Adams will lead.
28 The boys Have built a baseball backstop; field needs leveling and filling.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Alpha report Description of Alpha program.
30 Friday afternoon in Shakespearean Hall Description of program which centered on Hamlet.
31 Miss Wallbank Visited sister in Mt. Pleasant.
32 The members of the Philomathean Society Trying to decide whether to give a gold pin or a diploma to their graduates.