Issue Contents

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1 Pike's Peak or bust Report on the rush of people to Colorado and Denver in particular.
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2 Alumni and fellow students, lend us your ears! Asks students and alumni to send their news and whereabouts to the Normal Eyte.
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3 Numerous college papers complain of disinterestedness Many students at other schools apparently show little interest in oratory; believes that this is not the case at the Normal School.
4 O, when the Normalites scatter to East and to West A poetic tribute to the Normal Eyte.
5 On and after October 20, 1892 Outlines weather conditions that will be relayed by telegraph or telephone.
6 Several of the S. N. S. instructors figure prominently Roster of faculty who have responsibilities at the State Teachers Association conference.
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7 Cranky Croaks Point-by-point rebuttal to those who object to chapel exercises.
8 The following notice concerning Miss Ella Boland Account of Miss Boland's escape from a train accident in Colorado.
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9 C. Ray Aurner Leader of Teachers' High School Round Table; Nellie Wallbank is on enrollment committee; Laura Brown is on introduction committee.
10 La Porte City Made Columbus Day a special occasion; H. B. Lizer is principal.
11 Miss Bertha Pratt Visits Harriet Hartshorn; will teach in Shellsburg.
12 Miss Cora Spargur Teaching in Clarinda.
13 Miss Kate Overfelt Teaching in Gilman.
14 Miss May Loonan Will lead Sunday meeting.
15 Mr. Bruce Francis Doing good work in Dexter.
16 Mr. E. E. Harrison Clerk and assistant superintendent at Indian training school in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
17 President Seerley Will lead YMCA meeting.
18 The meeting of the Y. W. C. A. J. H. Stuckrath will lead.
19 The usual Wednesday Meeting will be led by J. R. Byers.
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20 Clark Satterly Leaves school due to illness.
21 Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Veatch have a child.
22 Miss Florence Thompson Returns from visit to Independence.
23 Miss Helen St. John Has been ill.
24 Miss Ivah Blank Enjoys visit from cousin.
25 Miss Jennie Wilson Leaves school to teach in Page County.
26 Miss Jessie Orr Returned to school.
27 Miss M. Baker Has acquired own horse.
28 Miss Mary Wilson and Silas Elderkin Attend convention in Cedar Rapids.
29 Miss Matie Steimel Visited Waterloo to see new nephew.
30 Miss Maude Humphrey and Dollothea Olmstead Visit campus.
31 Miss Ora Wesche Visited by sister.
32 Miss Stella Harding Called home by telegram.
33 Professor Wright Traveling for a week to study other normal schools.
34 T. S. Metcalf Studying at Epworth Seminary.
35 The Aristos Considering open session.
36 Wanted--By a fourth year cadet Cadet needs someone to sew buttons onto uniform
37 We are wondering where that bridge is located Stairways crowded; waiting for promised bridge between buildings.
38 What caused Mr. Draper to lay aside the pride of his youth Speculates on shaving of mustache.
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39 A number of students Roster of students who went home for a visit.
40 A senior left his books in South Hall Finds Old Gilchrist doors open, despite strict rules about Central Hall doors.
41 Harry H. Deal and Miss Lulu McKim Have left school to teach.
42 Leslie Comstock Visited by his mother.
43 Miss Florence Mack Returns from visit home to Parkersburg.
44 Miss Margaret Baker, professor of elocution, and Miss Harriet Cunningham Each receives horse and buggy from her father.
45 Miss Maude Miller Visits Waterloo.
46 Our library is in need of further shelving New books are stored on tables and window sills.
47 Some new sidewalk has been put down Walks installed in vicinity of steam house and North Hall.
48 The battery boys got out the sounder Cannon awoke echoes in preparation for Columbus Day.
49 The tennis court has been the scene Mixed doubles has been a favorite; also, L. H. Andrews defeats Herbert Halsey.
50 Walter Whitcomb Visits on way to Baptist convention.
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51 All students and persons wishing to secure copies Should sign up for reprints of President Seerley's Columbus Day address.
52 Fifty new rifles with the accessory equipment 150 now under arms; cadets organize into four companies; officers will be announced.
53 Politics is the all-absorbing topic Men are excited by upcoming election; women are calm.
54 The Alpha Society elected the full complement of officers List of officers.
55 The Clio Society has had their term election Roster of officers.
56 The friends of Miss Washburn Missionary injured in fall in Africa; dies of fever.
57 The literary societies Men's and women's societies are all full; Philos and Aristos adopting regulations to limit their size; new men's society may need to be formed.
58 The orators and orations of last week List of speakers and their topics.
59 The Shakespeareans held their regular election Roster of officers.