Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Courtesy to our fellow students Normal Eyte cannot accept anonymous articles.
2 The influence of education doesn't necessarily disarm prejudice Report on debate at University of Iowa.
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3 Girls versus boys in the high school
Aurner--Clarence Ray (Class of 1891)
C. Ray Aurner offers the observation that women generally out-perform men in high school classes; believes women simply apply themselves better.
4 We are sorry to announce the death of Mrs. Susanna Knickerbocker Brief obituary.
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5 A tale of woe A humorous poem on sledding on Normal Hill.
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6 C. B. Fountain Practicing medicine in Spirit Lake.
7 Chas. J. Griffin Operating drugstore in New Sharon.
8 Frances L. Mills Studying at University of Iowa.
9 George B. Phelps Attorney in Clinton.
10 George H. McManus Will graduate from West Point.
11 Ida Robbins Now Mrs. F. E. Graham; assistant principal at Sabetha, Kansas.
12 John R. McKee Superintendent in Fairfield, Nebraska.
13 Miss Isabella Cowan Spending winter in England; hopes to regain health.
14 Miss Kate E. Nevile Assistant principal in Bellevue.
15 Miss Mary A. Roberts Principal of Bethany College in Topeka, Kansas.
16 Morris Livingstone Earns medical degree; now practicing in Sequin, Kansas.
17 Mrs. J. E. Light, alias Susie E. Mack Superintendent in Custer County, Montana.
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18 Alvin E. Reynolds Principal at Nashua.
19 Amy G. Reed Assistant principal in London, Wisconsin.
20 Dan Perkins and J. H. Fellingham Will attend state YMCA convention.
21 David Skiff Farming in California.
22 L. A. Andrews Attended YMCA convention.
23 Miss Ella M. Ford Teaching in Cherokee.
24 Miss Ida Sala Has been sick.
25 Miss Kate L. Overfelt Teaching in Gilman.
26 Miss Lizzie A. Rhodes Teaching in Adel.
27 Miss Rae Fell Teaching near Clarinda.
28 Misses Alice Fox and Alberta Beck Left school.
29 P. H. Hagarty Studying to become a Catholic priest.
30 Prof. D. S. Wright Will be pallbearer for Mrs. Knickerbocker.
31 The total enrollment Now 564.
32 Thomas B. Platt Engaged in drug business in Montezuma.
33 Washington's birthday Preparatory students present program.
34 Word of the death of her mother Minnie Ainsworth's mother dies.
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35 Another one of our number has been taken from our midst Herbert H. Crane died of peritonitis; student battalion participates in service.
36 Coasting is getting to be rather serious fun A number of students, including several women, have been injured in sledding accidents.
37 Miss Ada Down Has entered school.
38 Miss Mary Wilson Substitutes in Cedar Falls school for Florence Knickerbocker.
39 Miss Ora Wesche Goes home because of death of friend.
40 The Philo open session Program for session.
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41 Chapel orations for this week Speakers and topics.
42 Charlie Ross Goes home.
43 Miss Grace Curtis Is quite ill.
44 The Aristos will give an Inaugural program Will depict scene in Washington on eve of Inaugural.
45 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Meeting leaders announced; Sunday School attendance has been down.