Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 The Aristo 'Doings" Description of the Aristo meeting in which society members played the roles of political figures and discussed political issues.
2 The day of adventures
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# Article Article Summary
3 It is estimated that 200,000 people Attractions and accommodations at the World's Fair.
4 The program given by the Shakespearean Circle Description of program.
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5 Hoop-skirts have been the subject of much ridicule Believes that hoop skirt jokes are out of fashion.
6 It is very natural, no doubt Believes Aristo-Shake connection may be overstated.
7 Why are we here? Believes students should seek education, not concentrate solely on grades.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Arthur Lyon Returns from visit home.
9 Harry Aldrich Visits Sioux City.
10 Miss Amy Draper Visited by sister Alice.
11 Miss Carrie Miller Slowly recovering health.
12 Miss Irene Fisher Goes home because of ill health.
13 Miss Laura Strong Visits Charlotte Shearer and other friends.
14 Miss Lucy Mount Visits home in Mt. Ayr.
15 Miss Mae Cooper Has been sick.
16 Miss Marie Bell Visited by Miss Jackson.
17 Miss Mary Wilson Visited by sister.
18 Miss Nettie Hartsell Left school due to sickness.
19 Mr. E. E. Crane Returns to school.
20 Mr. Hopkins Owner of boarding house dies.
21 Mr. Wilson Hartshorn Visits home in Traer.
22 Prof. Loughridge Delivers lecture on mission work at Reinbeck.
23 Rob Fullerton and Oliver Harvey Feeling better.
24 The names of Miss Lulu Hall and Stella Suiter Both sick.
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25 As previously announced, Prof. Arey will leave us about the first of May In preparation for his Bahamas trip, Prof. Arey's botany classes will meet extra hours, and then senior students will give botany instruction.
26 Examinations are again with us Offers advice on facing the examination period.
27 Maud Carr Suffering from the grippe.
28 Miss Nellie Wallbank Recovers from illness.
29 The IV Yr. History of Education class Have been using plan in which they teach one another.
30 The M'Arey Natural History Association Has new bulletin board.
31 Well, the theses are done Seniors are at last done with their theses.
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32 Poetry of creation
Lees--Annie (Classes of 1892 and 1893)
33 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Meeting leaders announced; mission circle continues to meet.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Another former S. N. S. maiden Agnes Russell marries Robert C. Stirton.
35 J. W. Case honored the Aristo program Visits campus; will get back to work shortly.
36 John Sogard Sends geological specimens to Normal.
37 The genial countenance C. Ray Aurner visits classes.
38 Word has just reached our editorial ears J. C. Magee marries Mattie Riggs.