Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A tenderfoot abroad
2 Contrary to our expectations Major Hamilton arrives to inspect student battalion; cadets perform well despite lack of opportunity to train sufficiently this spring.
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3 Scotch ballads
Beake--Feleo (Class of 1951)
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4 World's Fair rates Railroad will sell round trip tickets to Chicago for $13.45.
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5 The death of spring
Thompson--Charles M. (Class of 1892)
A poetic look at the season.
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6 Clio program Detailed description of Clio program.
7 Field Day Athletic Association schedules events to be run on Field Day.
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8 H. B. Lizer Re-elected principal at La Porte City.
9 Harriet Hartshorn Re-elected at Forest City.
10 Ida Morgan Enrolled in Fourth Year Class.
11 Ida White and Margaret Robinson Returned home.
12 Josie Lowe Called home this week.
13 Many Normalites will rejoice to learn Fred H. Dawson is guide at World's Fair.
14 Mary A. Crew Resigns from Hampton position because of sister's illness.
15 Miss Carrie Schneider Called home.
16 Miss Mae Loonan Back after illness.
17 Misses Bell, Hearst, and Bixby Re-elected to positions in Cedar Falls.
18 Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Chassell Announce birth of twin daughters, Laura and Clara.
19 The school board of Magnolia Will retain S. L. Thomas.
20 The union meeting T. U. McManus will lead.
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21 Additions are continually being made to our library Collection now totals 5200 volumes.
22 E. G. Copeland Will lead YMCA meeting.
23 Emma Bradley Re-elected at Superior, Nebraska.
24 F. B. Steece Elected principal at Alden.
25 May Day has come and gone Some students left May baskets on doorknobs.
26 Miss Genetta Bushyager Receives visit from mother.
27 Miss Lizzie Burgess Receives visit from mother.
28 Miss Luella Rigby Will teach in Mechanicsville.
29 Miss McFarland Gives first in series of talks to women; will next speak on "loud dress and talking".
30 Misses Florence Marshall, Florence Mack, and Kate Cunningham Will teach in Cedar Falls.
31 Mr. J. B. Miller Enjoying visit from daughter-in-law.
32 Prof. Arey left for Iowa City Will join group headed for Bahamas; senior students will take charge of classes.
33 Stanley Cooper Called home because of death of father.
34 The Clio open session Went well; scarf drill especially good.
35 The daring youths who plundered Mrs. Wright's hen house Returned dressed chickens to owner.
36 W. W. Coates Entered Chaffa College in California.
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37 Friday evening Hold spelling bee despite late train; Miss Fesenbeck wins.
38 Lonely pedestrians May meet seniors out star-gazing.
39 Miss Rose O'Neill and Mamie Maher Visit Kitty Maher.
40 Our junior faculty Miss King attends chapel.