Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 The future at Cedar Falls Believes that Normal School may be brink of new era of progress.
2 The prospects at Des Moines Both Appropriation Committees hear Normal School request; outcome will be known in several days.
3 The standing of the Normal School Reputation of the Normal School and its alumni will help in the General Assembly.
4 Through a mistake Maude Humphrey will replace Edith Neely on the Normal Eyte staff.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Normalite reunion Former ISNS students now attending the University of Iowa hold reunion.
6 The death of Cleopatra
Eckhard--Clara D. (Class of 1894)
Text of Clara Eckhard's winning oration.
7 There is a form of gallantry Reprint of earlier editorial which scolded the men for milling around outside society halls; this scolds the women for similar behavior.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Contest Tally of votes in recent oratorical contest.
9 Thank you Thanks to judges of recent oratorical contest.
10 The contest Detailed description of speakers and topics at recent contest won by Miss Eckhard.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Members give impression of recent convention; YWCA and YMCA elect officer; report on Detroit volunteer meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Dr. Fred C. Sage Practicing medicine in Hudson.
13 Dr. Jas. Alderson Practicing medicine in Benton, Wisconsin; has been seriously ill.
14 Eleanor K, Meachan Senior law student at University of Iowa.
15 Emma Sherrett Teaching in Cresco.
16 Fred C. Gilchrist Practicing law in Laurens.
17 Gertrude Conner Teaching in LeMars.
18 J. P. Dodds Sold Kansas newspaper and will move.
19 J. P. Huggett Will return to Bancroft position.
20 Lucy E. Plummer Teaching in Minneapolis.
21 Mary A. Roberts Principal in Topeka, Kansas.
22 May Polley's schools Teaching in Marian, South Dakota.
23 O. Pearl Carr Doing well in Iowa Falls.
24 Prof. G. W. Newton Professor of biology and botany at Cornell College.
25 The alumni of the Normal School Meet occasionally at University of Iowa.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Bernice Boyden Called home.
27 Edgar Ford Visited the Normal.
28 Everett Niday Leaves school for a few weeks.
29 Frances Cross Visited relatives
30 Fred Williams Leaves school because of father's illness.
31 Harry Aldrich Visited Normal friends.
32 Irving Andrew Returns to Iowa State University to study electrical engineering.
33 J. E. Fitzgerald Visited Hampton.
34 J. R. Byers Returns from Bancroft where he had been substituting for Percy Huget.
35 Joe Graham Returns for visit.
36 M. A. Gettis Has left school.
37 Miss Alma Evans Back in school.
38 Miss Clara Bedford Entertains guests.
39 Miss Dale and Mr. Allen Returned from Detroit meeting.
40 Miss Edith Eighmey Visited by mother.
41 Miss Eighmey Feeling well enough to return to school.
42 Miss Grace Griffin Visited the Normal.
43 Miss Heller Called home.
44 Miss Jessie Wolverton Has measles.
45 Miss May Laird Visited sister Katharine.
46 Miss Patterson Has entered school.
47 Misses Laird and Fesenbeck and J. E. Cameron Visit Waterloo.
48 P. G. Fullerton Visited the Normal.
49 The program rendered Natural History Association meeting was enlightening.
50 The S. U. I. Glee Club Will perform in Cedar Falls; Will Hearst is president and Carl Treimer is a member.