Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Commencement What is the prospect for the graduate?
2 The I. A. C. Student of May 28 Echoes ISU student newspaper in asking students to respect the beauty of their school; do not cut across the grass and do not vandalize the buildings.
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# Article Article Summary
3 I. S. N. S. 10--Independence 19 Account of baseball game.
4 Mr. Editor
Treimer--Carl (Class of 1893)
Carl Treimer offers to help ISNS students if they go to Iowa City for the summer session.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Our honored dead
Curtis--Edith H. (Class of 1895)
Tribute to those who gave their lives in the defense of the United States.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. Meeting leaders announced; urges students to attend even in the season of distractions; delegates selected for Geneva meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
7 C. A. Draper Will be principal at New Hartford.
8 Clara Blackburn Teaching in Anamosa.
9 Cynthia Titus May teach in West Waterloo.
10 Della Northey Will teach at Hampton.
11 Florence Streeter Re-elected at Boone.
12 Ladies and Gentlemen Invitation to Alumni Association banquet.
14 Miss Baker Entertained friends.
15 Miss Blanche Perry Will teach at Park City, Utah.
16 Miss Effie Irwin Guest of Bess Hall.
18 Miss Etta Brooks Re-elected at Charles City.
19 Miss Fannie Archer Back in school.
20 Miss Helen Clute Will be principal at Atlantic.
23 Miss Maude Humphrey Will teach at Shelby.
25 Miss Sadie Seabloom Will teach at Wahoo, Nebraska.
27 Mr. McNair Guest of Miss Farrington.
30 S. B. Stonerook Completes year at New London.
31 Vinnie Marsh Will teach at Charles City.
32 W. L. Hearst Visited home.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Miss Ada Burkhead Guest of Lillie Dale.
17 Miss Elsie Arnold Entertained friend.
21 Miss Henrietta Brayton Will teach in Logan.
22 Miss Laura Perkins Mother visits.
24 Miss Rosa Magill Visits friends.
26 Misses Etta Shaffner and Josie Bedford Guests of Clara Bedford.
28 Mr. Wyant Back in school.
29 Pres. Seerley Attends teachers association meeting in Storm Lake.
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# Article Article Summary
33 A. G. DeHart Called home due to mother's illness.
34 A. M. Willson Will seek work in Colorado.
35 J. H. Fellingham Will teach in Fort Dodge.
36 Miss Elsie Barnett Visits the Normal.
37 Miss Frances Allison Declines offer from West Waterloo for better position in Boone.
38 Miss Mae Loonan Hopes to be able to return to work in Mitchelville.
39 Miss Sadie Herrick Will teach in Belvidere, Illinois.
40 Miss Vinnie Marsh Will replace Ida Shaw in Charles City.
41 Misses Edna and Helen Poor Visited campus; Helen Poor will teach in Independence.
42 Misses Eva Woodward and Jessie Fitch Leave school due to health.
43 O. M. Harvey Hurts arm playing baseball.
44 On Memorial Day No recitations held; student battalion and many students joined GAR for memorial service.
45 Robert Fullerton's unusually genial countenance Visited by father.
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# Article Article Summary
46 In the bicycle races at Waterloo I. M. Dodge wins two races and places second in a third; winning times for races.
47 Miss Harriet and C. E. Stinson Return to school after father's death.
48 The base ball game Attracted considerable attention; about seventy from Independence attended as well as local townspeople.
49 The M'Arey Natural History Association Roster of speakers and topics.
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# Article Article Summary
50 As usual the S. N. S. battalion Participates in Memorial Day parade to Opera House; performs forty minute drill exhibition.
51 Janet Buchanan Wrote prize story for Midland Monthly.
52 The necessary number of tickets Students will take railroad trip to Iowa City.