Issue Contents

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1 Untitled Panoramic view of campus looking east; photo.
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2 Editorial Explains that this is just a special issue of a newspaper, not a book, intended for those interested in ISNS.
3 The literary program of the Alumni Association Association places graduates of old elementary course on same footing as graduates of current course; officers elected; speakers listed.
4 The S. U. I. excursion About 450 students take train to University of Iowa; burning culvert causes delay, but everyone enjoyed the trip; drawing of the culvert incident.
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5 An American education Extensive excerpts from address by Henry Sabin.
6 Baccalaureate Extensive excerpts from President Seerley's address on "the chief good".
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7 A product of imagination Fanciful drawing of a senior in cap and gown.
8 Daniel Rhodes Visited during Commencement.
9 Jacob Belz Has done well in Dysart.
10 Miss Ida Shaw Visited during Commencement.
11 T. U. McManus Visited during Commencement.
12 The drill Student Battalion presents long drill for Commencement crowd; Governor Jackson attends.
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13 C. A. Fullerton Will continue at Manson.
14 C. Ray Aurner Will return to Adel.
15 Chas. Severance Doing well in Shellsburg.
16 F. M. Allen Will be principal in Marathon.
17 J. Herbert Kelley Will work in Alden.
18 L. H. Andrews Will continue as principal in Sioux Center.
19 Leslie Chapman Entertains friends.
20 Messrs. Graham, Merwin, and Chassell Visited friends at Commencement.
21 Messrs. Harvey and Fellingham Visited by mothers.
22 Miss Agnes Heightshoe Will continue in Perry.
23 Miss Amy Reed Will return to Sibley.
24 Miss Bertha Pratt Will teach in Shellsburg.
25 Miss Byrde Hill Visited during Commencement.
26 Miss Carrie C. Rule Will teach in Sheldon.
27 Miss Dorcas Whitaker and Miss Margaret McCleary Graduate from nurse training school in Chicago.
28 Miss Ella Scurry Teaching in Eldora
29 Miss Elsie Orcutt Visited during Commencement.
30 Miss Florence Clay Has finished year of study in Minneapolis.
31 Miss Florence Zerwekh Finishes year at University of Iowa; will look for high school work.
32 Miss Gertrude Childs Will continue at Atlantic.
33 Miss Leibrock Will teach in Elkader.
34 Miss Lillie Johnson Will join Third Year class next year.
35 Miss Maud Miller Taught this year at Odebolt.
36 Miss Minnie Moore Doing well in Perry.
37 Miss Shirley Maxwell Will teach in Neola.
38 Misses Douglas and Dodd Guests of Alice Shoemaker.
39 Mr. Van Dorn Visited Fannie Archer.
40 Mrs. Whitmore and Miss Maude Guests of Clara Whitmore.
41 O. M. Harvey Will teach in Burlington.
42 W. E. Long Will be principal in Marble Rock.
43 We regret very much J. H. Fellingham left out of Fourth Year picture, but he is included in the Normal Eyte staff picture.
44 Y. G. Barnell Will be principal at Brighton.
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45 Normal Eyte staff Staff photo; photo.
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46 Fourth Year class song Text of song.
47 General song, Class '94 Text of song.
48 H. S. class song Text of song.
49 Third Year class song Text of class song.
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50 On Normal Bridge at 12 Drawing of couple on the bridge.
51 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A. A look at the past year; membership has increased; Mission Circle had been active; sending delegates to Geneva.
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52 Class poem Text of the poem.
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53 The faculty Profiles of the faculty; photo.
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54 Board of Directors Profiles of the current board members.
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55 Fulfilling his contract Drawing of President Seerley in a schoolroom; when the local district wanted ISNS to include its children in a Training School, President Seerley had to sign a teaching contract to make the arrangement legal.
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56 Fourth Years, 1893 A quick look back by a member of the Class of 1893.
57 Our fifth year Cartoon of a fielder catching a ball.
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58 Cracking jokes Drawing of Professor Wright cracking jokes.
59 The Princess Ida
Commencement oration.
60 Third Years, 1893 Reminiscences from the Class of 1893.
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61 Non solum nobis sed pro patria
Smith--Samuel Craig (Class of 1894)
Commencement oration.
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62 Giftonian speech
Scott--Mary H. (Student--1893)
Commencement oration.
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63 Untitled Board of Directors; photo.
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64 The new Locksley Hall
Cunningham--Harriet A. (Class of 1894)
Commencement oration.
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65 Patriot-soldier of Italy
Barnell--Youel G. (Class of 1892)
Commencement oration on Garibaldi.
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66 Humanity's best expression
Bishop--Bertha (Class of 1889)
Commencement oration
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67 The philosophy of reforms
Collins--William E. (Class of 1894)
Commencement oration.
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68 England's debt to Ireland
Herrick--Sadie E. (Class of 1893)
Commencement oration.
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69 Advice to the faculty
Maclean--Elizabeth (Class of 1894)
Commencement oration.
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70 As others see us
Briggs--Walter H. (Class of 1894)
Commencement oration.
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71 Bismarck
Ripke--Mary H. (Classes of 1894 and 1895)
Commencement oration.
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72 Untitled Class of 1894 Fourth Years; photo.
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73 Albert Orcutt Visited G. J. Haven.
74 B. Dimmitt Will be principal at Hopkins.
75 C. A. Fields Visited with friends.
76 F. G. Miller Re-elected principal at Parkersburg.
77 Miss Belle Nutting Taught in Winterset.
78 Miss Helen St. John Will teach in southern Minnesota.
79 Miss Lena Brown Will teach in Story City.
80 Miss Lucile Marsh Will teach in Cresco.
81 Miss Margaret Baker Has been ill.
82 Miss Nellie McAlvin Home for summer vacation.
83 Miss Nora Vaughan Went on excursion to Iowa City.
84 Miss Sallie D. Van Metre Will teach in Tipton.
85 Misses Archer and Titus Fannie Archer will teach in Waverly; Cynthia Titus will teach in Cedar Rapids.
86 Mr. Larson Guest of G. W. Randlett.
87 Mrs. Helen Hearst Hammer Welcome guest to campus.
88 R. M. Arey Visited Iowa City.
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89 A. Leslie Comstock Visits friends; doing well in Oskaloosa.
90 Mrs. D. F. Hoover and Miss Baker Miss Baker will spend a portion of the summer on campus to acquaint herself with the library and prepare for her position as librarian which will start in September 1894.
91 Reminiscence: the Class of 1888 B. W. McKeen recalls oral examinations at end of second year, bending of Rule XI, and other matters.
92 The announcement of the Senior vacation Seniors appreciate release from classes.
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93 Athletics History of Athletic Association organized March 11, 1892; list of current record holders in various track and field events; history of sports and athletic facilities on campus; football team organized in fall 1893.
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94 Philomathean Society History of society.
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95 Alpha History of Alpha Society.
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96 Cliosophic History of the society.
97 Shakespearean Society History of the society.
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98 Orios History of the society.
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99 Untitled Baseball team; photo.
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100 Aristotelian Society History of the society.
101 Neotrophian History of the society.
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102 Zetalethean History of the society.