Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 America has sustained another great loss Tribute to Oliver Wendell Holmes upon his death.
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2 An answer to the '92 croaker Correspondent says that women were invited to make presentations at the recent alumni gathering, but that all of them declined to do so.
3 Several person have written List of seniors.
4 The following resolution W. L. Hearst and J. G. McAlvin propose that the medical school at the University of Iowa abstain from disorderly conduct.
5 To State Normal graduates
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
President Seerley informs graduates about state certificate application procedures; fourth year graduates must also prepare a thesis.
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6 B. B. Rice Finds hard times in Nebraska.
7 Bees are usually supposed to be the busiest bodies Clara Whitmore is teaching in Columbus Junction.
8 Charles R. Amlie Taking graduate work at University of Chicago.
9 From Ann Arbor Romanzo Adams sends greetings.
10 John E. Cameron Studying at University of Iowa.
11 L. D. Stubbs Will be pastor in Raymond.
12 M. H. Thielen and Harry Moore Performed at teachers meeting in Avoca.
13 Mattie Emry Teaching in Eldora.
14 Miss Lulu Newcomb Teaching in Lenox.
15 The Parkersburg schools F. G. Miller in charge; will build new building.
16 The school at Rushmore, Minnesota Clara Bedford in charge.
17 The schools at Richland A. L. Thorburn in charge.
18 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A. Meeting leaders announced; roster of women who will attend the YWCA state convention; missionary will speak.
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19 Messrs. Ensign and Fitzgerald Took bicycle trip to Waterloo.
20 Miss Alma Evans Has been sick.
21 Miss Baker Visiting sister Grace.
22 Miss Elizabeth Huey Visited Traer.
23 Miss Fenner Visited sister.
24 Miss Ida Byers Visited chapel.
25 Miss Lillie Johnson Visited home.
26 Miss Mildred Dane Has been sick.
27 Miss Nellie Maynard Visited home.
28 Miss Rose High Has been sick.
29 Miss Ruby Calderwood Visited by family.
30 Misses Clara Denniston and Bess Little Attended wedding in Parkersburg.
31 Mr. A. L. Steidl Visited home.
32 Mr. Carl Magee Visited the Normal.
33 Mr. J. G. Haven Visited Waterloo.
34 The four hundred and fiftieth girl Winifred Frederick enrolls.
35 The new book room Located on Normal Street; in charge of E. G. Clark.
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36 Geo. M. Merwin Now in Dixon, Illinois.
37 Judging from the amount of work Men working hard on society debate.
38 Miss Bertha Edwards Drives from Waterloo with sister Minnie.
39 Miss Katherine Schell Visited the chapel.
40 Miss Rose High's sister Visited campus.
41 Misses Ella Waters and Mary McCarty Visit home.
42 Misses Huffman and McDowell Visited Waterloo.
43 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Seerley . . . and Mr. Wm. Seerley Visit their nephew, President Seerley.
44 Mr. T. M. Clevenger Visiting wife.
45 That the girls appreciate Large number attend Miss McFarland's talks.
46 The many friends E. G. Dittmer is senior in medical class at Chicago Medical College.
47 The orators of the week Speakers and topics.
48 We are in receipt Jennie M. Tiffany married Evermond F. Rogers.
49 We regret very much Miss Curtiss has been sick.
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50 Among the new books Library has added many good, new books and placed them in their respective departments.
51 At the last meeting Professor Loughridge talks about London at the Normal Hill Reading Circle.
52 Miss Lillian Ashton Cannot attend school this year.
53 On Wednesday morning Professor Bartlett speaks on Oliver Wendell Holmes.
54 The business meetings Shakespeareans elect officers.
55 Those who visited the Alpha Society Decorated along Chinese and Japanese lines.
56 Who says there is anything wrong Everyone enjoyed the concert given by the band.
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57 Athletic Tennis courts available; need new gym equipment; more men should be using the gym.
58 Kranky Croaks Complaints about the dangerous condition of the sidewalks on Normal Hill.
59 The October meeting Roster of speakers and topics for the Natural History Association meeting.