Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Aristotelian public Review of Aristotelian public session in which members portrayed historical figures.
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2 The future, or the new era realized
Savage--Harry Harper (Class of 1895; Political Science Faculty)
A fictional look back at the 20th century.
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3 Alpha Hall Alphas present program featuring witches as theme.
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4 E. A. Felmley Working on farm.
5 G. S. Dick His Charles City school graduated twenty-nine; other Normalites teaching there, too.
6 Miss Emma Funk Resigns in Red Oak; will teach in Independence.
7 Miss Mabel Shearer Will teach in Corwith.
8 W. W. Bartine and W. F. Berner Studying medicine in Chicago.
9 We notice the names F. A. Lacy and E. D. Culbertson on Teacher's Association program.
10 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A. Meeting leaders announced; noon prayer meetings held; term Sunday School organized.
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11 Little Eva Snider Visited campus.
12 Miss Cynthia Titus Visited campus.
13 Miss Ella Ford Teaching in Des Moines.
14 Miss Helen Poor Visited campus.
15 Miss Henrietta Brayton Now in Logan.
16 Miss Libbie Lodwick Teaching in Eldora; may attend University of Iowa.
17 Miss Lulu Marsh Teaching in Cresco.
18 Miss Mary King Visited Nellie Rownd.
19 W. H. Manifold Closed Colorado school; will attend University of Colorado.
20 We are in receipt Anna E. McElhinney married T. C. Robb.
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21 Already there are 597 normal students and twenty-six preparatory students enrolled.
22 Among the Aristo brethren Roster of those present.
23 Daisy Tabor, Lizzie Luther, and Lillie Barber Visited Edna Poor and Mabel Gillett.
24 Four young ladies Visited Elizabeth McDowell and Alberta Hoffman.
25 Last Thursday Two of Professor Parish's boys visited campus.
26 Miss Alice Fullerton Visited Ida Tupper.
27 Miss Berta Mitchell Has been sick.
28 Miss Bertha Edwards Visited campus.
29 Miss Grace Griffin Vacationing at home.
30 Miss Ida Ziegler Has been sick.
31 Miss Margaret Hawk Went home; has been sick.
32 Miss Nellie Miner Visited campus with Mary Wilson.
33 Mr. A. D. McCormack and F. C. Sheldon Have been sick.
34 Mr. A. L. Comstock Visited from Oskaloosa.
35 Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nichols Mr. Nichols is studying at the University of Chicago.
36 Mr. C. T. Weimer Has been sick.
37 Mr. Percy Huggett Visited campus.
38 Mr. V. M. Gregg Enrolled in dental school in Iowa City.
39 On account of ill health Robert Fullerton spent a few days at home.
40 The large number of girls Appreciated Miss McFarland's lecture.
41 We missed Miss Anna Baker Was sick.
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42 Maj. Dinwiddie Went to Chicago for medical treatment; President Seerley will be in charge of drill.
43 Miss Leora Parker Teaching near Jesup.
44 Miss Lillian Cooper Called home because of mother's illness.
45 Most of the young men Seeking students to work as agents this summer.
46 Mr. Carl Magee Visited campus as did Vinnie Marsh.
47 Mr. P. M. Shaffer Returned to school.
48 On last Saturday evening Aristos elect officers and present program.
49 Orations of the past week Speakers and topics.
50 The main feature Description of Neotrophian program; featured debate with Clios, a new activity for women's societies.
51 Vergil D. Merrill Seeking men to work as agents this summer.
52 Work is being pushed Stone work will soon be done on Administration Building; most material is on site.
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53 A meeting of the Athletic Association Will organize baseball team; hope to develop a track; urges students to get ready for field events.
54 Neotrophian public Performance program.