Issue Contents

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1 The American Forestry Association Should conserve American forests.
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2 Ventilation is an important matter Should air out school rooms to prevent sickness and improve atmosphere.
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3 Legislative notes A look at the prospects of passage for educational bills.
4 Miss Baker Publishes book of recitations.
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5 Abraham Lincoln
Stockwell--Steven Sanford (Class of 1895)
Honor oration.
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6 Society notes Lengthy description of Shakespearean session; program for Neotrophian session.
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7 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A. Meeting schedule; YMCA officers elected.
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8 Among the visitors last week Roster of visitors.
9 At the meeting of the Alumni Association Roster of those who will appear on the alumni program.
10 E. B. Wilson Practicing law in Jefferson; Mrs. Wilson is principal in Jefferson.
11 George F. Thompson Principal at Hallock, Minnesota.
12 Good reports C. S. Cobb and Maude Humphrey doing well at Shelby.
13 It has been reported Nellie Anderson doing well at University of Michigan.
14 James Henry Lees Teaching in Armstrong.
15 L. A. Wescott Principal at Riverside.
16 Miss Fannie Archer Married Fred Van Dorn.
17 Miss Lillie J. Leech Now at Britt; expects to return to University of Chicago this summer.
18 We regret to mention Lizzie Wallace resigns her position at Burlington because of ill health.
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19 A recent copy of the Vidette-Reporter Praise for former Normalites.
20 Financial report $25.65 profit from Shakespearean public session.
21 Mae Kennedy Missed a day of school.
22 Miss Belle Hart Has been sick.
23 Miss Carrie Johnson Missed a day of school.
24 Miss Elsie Davis Visited Jesup.
25 Miss Florence White Has gone home because of sickness.
26 Miss Howenstein Visited May Kennedy.
27 Miss Jennie Hancock Visited Frankie Brannan.
28 Miss Linnie Downs Visited by mother.
29 Miss Mame Gilchrist Missed a day of school.
30 Miss Nellie Rummel Has been sick.
31 Mr. J. C. Sanders Director of Cadet Band writes march for band.
32 Mr. S. S. Stockwell Visited campus.
33 Mrs. Seerley and little Marion Visited school.
34 The Misses Mangold Attended wedding at home.
35 W. G. Magee Has missed several days of school.
36 We are glad to see Harry Whitney is back in school.
37 Winter does not put an end House building continues on the Hill.
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38 All the graduating classes Have selected class day speakers.
39 Miss Mary Simmons Studying at University of Chicago.
40 Rev. Williams Evangelist speaks in chapel.
41 The officers of the Oratorical Association Arranged for discount railroad tickets to contest in Cedar Rapids.