Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 We beg the pardon of our readers Reviews other schools' editorials on the expulsion of ISNS from the oratorical contest; still believes the action was illegal and unjust.
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2 Legislature notes A look at recent action.
3 The concert
Curtiss--Julia E. (Music Faculty)
Review of performance of the Remenyi Concert Company.
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4 Miss Olive A. Grobel Teaching at Cresco Normal School.
5 Patrick H. L. Hagarty Student in Florissant, Missouri.
6 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A. Meetings announced; missionary meeting speakers speak on religions of other cultures.
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7 Among the successful teachers Cora Patterson teaching at Lewis.
8 Miss Della F. Northey Assistant principal at Forest City.
9 Miss Etta B. Conner Principal in Inglewood, California.
10 Miss Mabel Binford Teaching in New Liberty.
11 Miss Mattie Emry Resting at home this year.
12 Miss Olive Orr Teaching in Postville.
13 Mr. A. L. Comstock Reports on Southeastern Iowa Teachers Association meeting, which many Normalites attended.
14 Mr. Earl J. Turner Working as advertising agent.
15 Mr. J. L. McLaughlin Senior at Cornell College.
16 Mr. W. L. Hearst Principal in Iowa City.
17 The ballad of his wedding day
Morrison--Bertha Cressup (Class of 1896)
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# Article Article Summary
18 Harriet Steele Left for home.
19 Miss Callie Johnson Visiting sister Lillie.
20 Miss Hoyman Has gone home.
21 Miss Jessie Gaylord Visited Mabel Gillett.
22 Mr. Brunner Visited daughter Angeline.
23 Mrs. J. T. Mangle Visiting sister Carrie Johnson.
24 Nettie Arnold Went home due to sickness.
25 Ralph Rigby Left for home.
26 S. D. Elderkin Visits campus.
27 Saint Patrick's Day Observed at the Normal.
28 The devotees of the wheel Students enjoying their bicycles.
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29 All enjoyed the select recitation Work by O. J. McManus appreciated.
30 Bessie Pattee Will teach in Shell Rock.
31 Everyone is getting ready to go home Looking forward to spending spring vacation at home.
32 Lottie Green Visiting Minnie Banker.
33 Miss Bundy Guest of the Misses Dodd and Muhs.
34 Miss Cobb Taking medical course in Iowa City; visits campus.
35 Miss King Visited Jessie Barnt.
36 Miss Leona Call Visited sister Myra.
37 Miss Lillian Curtis Teaching in Plover.
38 Miss Nellie Sadler Visited campus.
39 Mr. Mead Guest of Blaine Brundage.
40 Nettie Hartsell Went home because of poor health.
41 No one is more gladly welcomed C. J. Shaffer will continue school this spring.
42 Robert Fullerton Missed a day of school.
43 Rodney Arey, Gregg McAlvin, and M. H. Thielen On break from University of Iowa.
44 Romanesque architecture Subject at recent reading circle meeting.
45 Tennis is again luring man and student
46 The sign, "No admittance to the third floor" Third floor of new building now open.
47 Thursday was a busy day Registration for spring term.
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48 On Thursday evening Cadet Band plays for President Seerley and Major Dinwiddie; plays ISNS March written by J. C. Sanders.
49 The anxious contestant Orators announced.
50 The Cliosophic, Neotrophian, and Zetalethean societies Will engage in triangular debate.
51 We are sorry to say Nellie Weldy leaves school because of poor health.
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# Article Article Summary
52 The following is taken from the Fayette Collegian's account Critical of appearance of Percy Hunt.