Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 It is with pleasure An address by President Seerley, "The Signs of the Times", has been published.
2 That mind is greater than matter Points out strengths of mind gained in debate.
3 When Prussia was brought low by the victory of Napoleon Critical of law allowing manufacture of liquor in Iowa; believes solution lies in temperance education.
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4 Intercollegiate debate Lengthy description of debate against Lenox College.
5 Intercollegiate field meet Will be held in Des Moines; urges students to attend.
6 It is our intention Will mail out Baccalaureate Address with last issue of the paper.
7 The conditions of the weather being favorable Will play baseball game against Hudson.
8 The steady advance made each year Applauds efforts of Aristo Octette.
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9 At the recent meeting of the state photographers W. L. Veatch honored.
10 E. G. Copeland Vice president of N. O. L.
11 Mr. D. R. Perkins Principal at Oxford Junction.
12 Mr. Jno. W. Boyle Re-elected principal at Lorimer.
13 R. C. McConnell Re-elected principal at Mitchelville.
14 S. M. Coddington Will be principal in Neponset, Illinois.
15 The Board of Directors C. A. Fullerton selected to take charge of vocal music while his brother Robert is away for study.
16 The Normalites that graduate from S. U. I. Several have secured good positions.
17 The school board in Sioux Rapids Re-elected T. B. Morris as principal.
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18 Society Notes Descriptions of recent Zeta and Alpha programs.
19 We desire to call the attention Will offer broad array of classes in summer session.
20 Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Schedule of prayer meetings; Professor Parish spoke on freedom.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Athletic Department Report of results from Field Day.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Program Iowa State Normal School Commencement, 1897 Schedule of activities.
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# Article Article Summary
23 A special number of the Normal Eyte Commencement issue will be largest ever.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Ada Eighmey Supply teacher at Hudson.
25 Adah Snedicor Will teach at Cherokee.
26 Anna Baker Led Reading Circle discussion.
27 Anna McGovern and Nora Kelley Visited Chicago schools.
28 Anna Wage Leaves school due to eye trouble.
29 Bertha Wyant Will teach in Walnut.
30 Blanche Vance Will teach in Alton.
31 Deborah Davis Will teach at Bedford.
32 George Searles Called home, as was Cora Miller.
33 Harry Heath Will teach in Shellsburg.
34 Hattie Boyington Has had serious time with measles.
35 Hattie Garrison Went to Steamboat Rock.
36 Jennie Smuck Will teach at Conrad.
37 John Ames Called home.
38 Luta Lohr Visited Fannie Waters.
39 Memorial Day School will be closed; Cadet Band will perform.
40 Miss Riggs Went to Waverly.
41 Misses Louise and Lily Elderkin Visited chapel.
42 Misses Vita Camp, Mae Arnold, Rilla Wiley, and Maude Early Visited Liscomb.
43 Mr. Jarnagin Attended debate.
44 Myrtle Boardman Will teach at Manson.
45 Nellie Newell Will teach in West Des Moines.
46 Rev. O. H. L. Mason Will preach at Baptist church.
47 Rose Schoers Teaching in Butler County.
48 The crowd that attended the athletic performance Largest ever recorded.
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49 Another of the successful and entertaining musical programs Given by Miss Curtiss' pupils.
50 Recital Miss Falkler's class will present program.