Issue Contents

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1 Mr. Detwiller allowed us the privilege F. N. Seerley congratulates ISNS on football victory over University of Iowa.
2 We continue the custom Puts out issue of the Normal Eyte during Thanksgiving and break between terms.
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3 Among other articles Will publish articles by successful alumni.
4 The elements of power
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Abstract of President Seerley's address to the fall section of the Class of 1898.
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5 The new elocution, better called expression
Pierce--Enola Pearl (Elocution Faculty)
Enola Pearl Pierce talks about the subject matter that she teaches.
6 The November section of the Class of '98 Roster of those who will be receiving diplomas or certificates.
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7 Superintendent F. A. Lacey Lengthy profile; photo.
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8 A. A. Manson Visited campus.
9 Alsina M. Andrews Matron at training school in Jamaica.
10 E. J. Leonard Assistant principal at New Sharon.
11 Emma Lambert Still teaching at Dows.
12 F. E. Lenocker Lectured at several teachers programs.
13 Grace E. Milliman Elected county superintendent in Bannock County, Idaho.
14 Hannah Houghton Doing well at Blairstown.
15 J. E. Clayton Doing post-graduate work at University of Iowa.
16 J. O. Johnson Grandmother sick.
17 Julia Miller Home from Grinnell.
18 L. H. Minkel Doing well at Van Horne.
19 Mabel Felmley Teaching in Bristow.
20 Many thanks are due to Herman Mueller For contributions to alumni column.
21 Morton Weldy, '96, and J. E. Johnson Will participate in debate at University of Iowa.
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22 S. T. Walker and his students Give program on Lafayette Day.
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23 C. R. Peters, J. A. Boyle, Casper Schenk, and F. A. Mahannah Attended YMCA convention.
24 Coasting is a favorite amusement
25 Dora Brunner Called home.
26 E. N. Gibson Will teach next term.
27 Ella Danskin's mother and sister Visited.
28 F. D. McIlravy Mother's health improving.
29 Fred Salisbury Working with brother in Upper Book Room.
30 Gertie Jaklin Sister visited.
31 Gertrude Apple Sister sick.
32 J. B. Rupert Teaching in Pennsylvania.
33 Julia Miller Visited friends.
34 Mary Arnold Burned when lamp catches clothing on fire.
35 Mary Hartley's brother Visits on way to California.
36 Miss Edna Poor Has eye trouble.
37 On account of sickness Hannah Tow left school.
38 Skating is now a favorite amusement
39 The following have received appointments Roster of students who have new jobs.
40 The following is the program Program for Neotrophian public session.
41 The great football game Called off due to snow; was to have been played by teams of men who had never before played.
42 The new street car line Doing good business.
43 W. G. Detwiller Visited Fonda.
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44 Aristo public Account of recent program.
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45 Neotrophian Account of recent musical.
46 Y. W. C. A. Mary Eva Gregg speaks to the group on missions and evangelism.
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47 Aristo Account of last meeting of the term.
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48 Athletic Aristos defeat Orios in football, 6-0.
49 Joyce Watson Has sister in school; Hattie Sheley does, too.
50 Mae Williams Visited campus.
51 The match game Hawkeyes defeat ISNS in basketball, 16-15.
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52 The Bible Study Department Lesson XII: the Bible, part 4.