Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Read, reflect, act Two special issues demand extra funds; urges students to become subscribers.
2 That "Cedar Falls Method" Believes that debaters at Iowa State College would do well to imitate rather than mock the method of ISNS debaters.
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# Article Article Summary
3 A change in officers of the Christian associations Appreciates efforts of previous editors of this section of the paper.
4 Without doubt, drawing is becoming one of the chief studies Applauds efforts of Miss Thornton and Miss Morse in teaching this valuable teaching skill.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Silent teachers
Thornton--Henrietta (Art Faculty)
Henrietta Thornton explains the value of art in the learning environment.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Mr. Fred Emerson Brooks California humorous poet performed on campus.
7 The Minnesinger tour Minnesingers travel to Hudson, New Hartford, Mason City, Waverly, Nora Springs, and Plainfield to sing.
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# Article Article Summary
8 A little daughter At the McAlvin home.
9 Cynthia Titus Visited sister in Cedar Rapids.
10 G. N. Briggs Principal in Lamoni; Allie Asquith is teaching there.
11 G. S. Dick Graduated twenty-six at Charles City.
12 G. W. Curtis Will be principal at Union.
13 Harry Frise Doing well in Slater.
14 It is reported Abbie Fluckey married the Reverend Dr. C. R. Brett.
15 Mattie Larkin Doing well in Grand Rapids, Wisconsin.
16 Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ensign Have new son.
17 Mrs. Clara Keck Visited parents.
18 Mrs. J. H. Fellingham Visited sister Ruth.
19 Myrtle Drew Teaching in Newton.
20 Nellie McAlvin Sister died; Maud Ransom will take her place in Shelby.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Bee Weller Visited Waterloo.
22 Byron Lambert Visited campus.
23 Clara Seller Back in school.
24 Edith Snowden Enrolled.
25 Edna Poor Visited Waterloo.
26 Emma Miller Visited La Porte City.
27 Grace Austin and Estalene Rhodes Visited Waterloo.
28 Jessie Brinkmann Back in school.
29 Miss Gregg Went to Springville.
30 Miss Trask Back in school.
31 Mr. Walters Back in school.
32 Mrs. S. T. Walker Visited campus.
33 Nellie Hayden Teaching near Peterson.
34 Nellie Mettlin Back in school.
35 Quincy Yost Back in school.
36 S. E. Divelbiss Back in school.
37 Walter Blowers Guest of Tom Sessions.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Among the number of new books Several sets added to library.
39 Anna Lindsey and Kate Perkins Back in school.
40 Estella Pope and Loren Henry Married.
41 Gov. Shaw Spoke at chapel.
42 Hal Washburn Visited campus.
43 Joel Johnson Back in school.
44 Laura Fenwick Enrolled.
45 Mr. Hall Building gallery.
46 Mr. Ketchum Visited campus.
47 Mrs. Kiefer Visited daughter.
48 Prof. Wright Publishes mathematical article.
49 The Cottage Reading Circle Miss Goodwin will lead.
50 The following was clipped Postal substation will be established at the Normal School; Arthur P. Cotton will be in charge.
51 The regular term spelling test Scheduled.
52 There are seventy-five students Enrolled in Preparatory Department.
53 Word has reached us Mable Hatch teaching in Hawarden.
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# Article Article Summary
54 Plagiarism
Simmons--Mary E. (Latin Faculty)
Miss Simmons points out the different kinds of plagiarism.
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# Article Article Summary
55 Y. M. C. A. Account of recent meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
56 Orio Account of recent meeting.
57 Shake Hall Account of recent program.
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# Article Article Summary
58 Y. W. C. A. Hear address on Methodism.
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# Article Article Summary
59 Clio Condolences on death of father of May and Alta Birdsall.
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# Article Article Summary
60 The Bible Study Department Lesson XXIV: temptation.