Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 During Governor Shaw's short address Appreciates the potential represented by students.
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# Article Article Summary
2 It brought smiles to the faces of many Appreciated short address by Governor Shaw.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Letter from the Philippines Letter on conditions there.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Whereas: the Almighty, in His Divine Providence Condolences on death of father of Joseph E. Johnson.
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5 A. M. Gray Principal at Conrad; G. W. Curtis is principal at Union.
6 Amy Arey and Julia Miller At home from Grinnell.
7 C. E. Locke Will graduate from Western College.
8 C. W. Lyon Re-elected at Valley Junction.
9 Carl C. Magee Re-elected at Carroll.
10 Dr. W. R. Patterson, B. J. Lambert, and Mamie F. Hearst At home from Iowa City.
11 H. E. Blackmar Will stay at Emmetsburg.
12 Ida Leydig Visiting sister.
13 J. C. Magee Will be superintendent at Dyersville.
14 Joseph Graham Will stay at New Sharon.
15 M. L. Fuller Visited campus.
16 Mae Birdsall Re-elected at Pomeroy.
17 Mame Hoagland Visiting home.
18 Roxy Peterson, '95, and Mary Hughes Have done well at Dunlap.
19 S. T. Walker Will graduate from Iowa Wesleyan.
20 The friends of Kate E. Sullivan Mother's health improving.
21 W. T. Davidson Visited campus.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Carrie Neidy Has tonsillitis.
23 Clyde Anderson Visited cousin Jessie Barnt.
24 E. B. Clingman Back in school.
25 Gertie Ayers Aunt died.
26 Grace Brainard Visited Waterloo.
27 Helen Paine Went home due to poor health.
28 J. F. Treasure Went to Parkersburg.
29 M. R. Fayram Was in Monmouth.
30 Mattie Birss Went to Tipton.
31 Miss Althouse Back in school.
32 Miss Bozarth Visited Waterloo.
33 Miss Falkler Missed class.
34 Miss Hughes Sister sick.
35 Miss Rodman Visited Fairbank.
36 Miss Tostlebe Enrolled.
37 Misses Pierce and Satterthwait Visited Manchester.
38 Mrs. Fullerton Entertaining brother.
39 Oma Kiefer Went home due to poor health.
40 P. G. Fullerton Visited brother.
41 President Seerley Visiting county institutes.
42 Roy Harris and Charles Lambert Roy Harris and Charles Lambert visited campus.
43 Ruth Marsh Visited Charles City.
44 W. J. Calderwood Visited sister.
45 Will Vaughn Visited campus.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Athletic Men's team plays Manchester YMCA; loses due to apparent oversight of timekeeper; men have been playing in order to get in shape for track.
47 F. G. Miller Will study for a degree.
48 Fannie Suplee Visited sister.
49 Frank Bronson Brother died.
50 Hal Washburn Exhibiting specimens of wood.
51 Mrs. Theodore Askew and Jessie Harbin Visited Miss Satterthwait.
52 The Iowa Normal Monthly Featured article by Anna Baker.
53 The March number R. C. Adams publishes article.
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# Article Article Summary
54 Alpha: a winter in Florida
Streeter--Bess Genevra (Class of 1901; Critic Teacher)
Bess Streeter describes an adventure in Florida.
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# Article Article Summary
55 Y. M. C. A. Account of recent meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
56 Orio Account of recent meeting.
57 Philo Account of meeting with spring theme.
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# Article Article Summary
58 Clio Account of recent program.
59 Neotrophian Account of recent meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
60 The Bible Study Department Lesson XXV: II. Timothy, the heroic book of the New Testament.