Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Editorial Believes that ISNS students leave school with strong spelling, reading, and elocutionary skills.
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2 John Temple Graves Review of performance by speaker.
3 Official I. J. McDuffie reappointed to Board of Trustees; state considering teacher certification and additional normal schools; hopes that ISNS will be treated favorably by the General Assembly; rural teachers need help.
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4 Aristo Hall Held debate.
5 The Aristo-Orio debate Recounting of the debate.
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6 Debate in Orio Hall Aristos debate Philos.
7 State oratorical contest Will be held in Grinnell.
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8 Agnes Cowan Has not reported for two years.
9 Alsina M. Andrews Is working as a missionary in Jamaica.
10 C. Ray Aurner Completed the four years course.
11 E. Avery Crary Is practicing law in Grundy Center.
12 Ella Boland Is working in Butte, Montana.
13 Etta B. Conner Was last known to be in California.
14 Florence M. Butler Was last known to be working in What Cheer.
15 Gertrude Bothwell Is married and living in Fairbank.
16 Helen F. Clute Is teaching English in the Sioux City high school.
17 Jos. E. Clayton Is married and in charge of the State Center schools.
18 Mae Church Is teaching mathematics in Davenport.
19 Mary A. Crew Is now married; resigned from teaching.
20 Minnie D. Ashbrook Is teaching in Marshalltown.
21 Romanzo C. Adams Is an instructor at Western College.
22 Untitled H. A. Welty; photo.
23 Winifred Boland Is principal of Cripple Creek schools in Colorado.
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24 Alice Lynde Is married and living in Davenport.
25 Anna E. Livingood Is principal of Hydsville school in California.
26 Beatrice Evers Has not reported for three years.
27 Bertha Donahue Is now married, but has not reported for four years.
28 Bertha L. Engel Is working in Elmhurst, Illinois.
29 Blanche Judd Died on March 29, 1892.
30 Bruce Francis Received his M. Di. degree.
31 Carrie A. McCausland Has taught in Des Moines and California.
32 Carrie L. Gwynne Is married and living in Idaho.
33 Chas. E. Hall Has not reported for several years.
34 Clyde C. Hammerly Is married and was last known to be teaching in Waterville, Washington.
35 Florence Graham Is married and living in Des Moines.
36 Francis E. Lenocker Is principal at the Guthrie high school.
37 Fred C. Gilchrist Is practicing law in Laurens.
38 Geo. A. Hooker Is teaching near Holstein.
39 H. B. Lizer Received his M. Di.
40 Harriet B. Hartshorn Is married but has not reported for two years.
41 Jessie L. McLaughlin Serving as pastor in Rockwell.
42 Lillie J. Leach Is a student at the University of Chicago.
43 Lissa B. Lenocker Is married and living in Dexter.
44 Mary Drew Is living in Santa Cruz, California.
45 Mary England Is teaching in Oskaloosa.
46 Matt. C. Cunningham Completed the four years course.
47 Mattie Emry Is a high school assistant in Washington.
48 May Helphrey Is now married and living in Genesee, Idaho.
49 Nell Gunn Has not reported for two years.
50 Olga E. Engel Is working in Muscatine.
51 R. A. Elwood Is superintendent of Appanoose County.
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52 A. E. Reynolds Is married and farming in Navarre, Kansas.
53 Agnes Russell Is now married and completed the four years course.
54 Amy Reed Is married but has not reported for two years.
55 Chas. R. Martin Is a furniture dealer in Dumont.
56 David L. Skiff Is farming near Milford.
57 Ella Moore Died in September of 1892.
58 Eva F. Moffet Has not reported.
59 Florence L. Strasser Was teaching in Bellevue.
60 Ida E. Shaw Is married and living in California.
61 Jennie Raymond Is teaching in Sibley.
62 Jesse McNally Is married and living in Charles City.
63 John H. Schrader Completed the four years course.
64 L. B. Moffet Received his M. Di.
65 L. D. Stubbs Is working in Garrison.
66 Linnie Moore Is married and living in Cedar Falls.
67 Louis M. Parsons Was last known to be teaching and farming.
68 Mary A. Mills Has not reported.
69 Mary O. Stewart Is living in Cedar Falls.
70 Mary Scott Is married and living in Blue Earth, Minnesota.
71 Maud E. Milliman Is married and was last known to be living in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
72 Maud R. Rhoades Is living in Rippey.
73 Minnie Moore Received her M. Di.
74 Mollie Schmidt Is married and living in Worthington.
75 O. H. L. Mason Is living in Green Mountain.
76 Paul Peterson Completed the four years course.
77 S. B. Stonerook Is principal of Springdale schools.
78 Sadie M. Seabloom Is teaching at Minden in Nebraska.
79 Samuel Rhodes Is residing in Cedar Falls.
80 T. B. Morris Is in charge of schools in Correctionville.
81 T. B. Platt Is now married and was last known to be a druggist.
82 Wm. D. Taylor Is raising livestock in Barnes.
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83 Adam M. Willson Is married now and lives in Colorado.
84 Agnes Black Went home to Wyman.
85 Clyde G. Park Will study at Ames.
86 Dorcas Whitaker Is pursuing missionary work in India.
87 Dorothy Harbord Will teach in Clarinda.
88 Harvey A. Welty Is superintendent of Dickinson County.
89 Josephine Miller Visited home.
90 Lily O'Neil Visited La Porte.
91 Lorne Parker Brother Harry visited.
92 Maud Popp Visited sister.
93 Mildred Humphrey Unable to attend class.
94 Miss Corsen Visited Professors Pierce and Humphrey.
95 Miss Ethel Wise Went to Des Moines.
96 Miss Hartley Attended brother's wedding.
97 Mrs. Page Visited campus.
98 Regena Dan Substitute teaching in Waterloo.
99 S. L. Thomas Is a science teacher in Council Bluffs.
100 Schubert recital, Normal Chapel Performance program.
101 Walter Davis Has been sick.
102 Walter W. Wilson Is married and farming in Stanhope.
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103 A party enjoyed a hunting trip Several students hunted rabbits.
104 Bertha Anderson Left school due to illness.
105 Bills are out Minnesingers will perform in Janesville.
106 Elizabeth MacLean Teaching at Iowa State University.
107 Ira Hoover and Frank McIlravy Attended debate.
108 J. C. Bridges Took pictures of Aristo Robin Hood performance.
109 John Temple Graves lecture Well received; F. Hopkinton Smith will be next on lecture course.
110 Last Saturday evening Students from Story County got together.
111 Martha Spencer Visited sister in Grundy Center; five ISNS alumni are teaching there.
112 Miss Belle Hall Visited sister Clara.
113 Miss Riggs Teaching history methods class.
114 Miss Summers Seriously injured in basketball game.
115 Mr. Bley's cutter Was heavy with Valentines.
116 Mr. Colegrove Led reading circle meeting.
117 Mr. Condit Entertaining the Reverend Hugh McNynch.
118 Mr. Hanson Laura Hanson's father died.
119 Mr. Seerley and Miss Hughes Attended state board of examiners meeting.
120 On Wednesday evening Held union prayer meeting.
121 The Reverend Richmond Smith Will exchange pulpits with the Reverend O. H. L. Mason.
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122 Training: management and discipline, IV
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Advice for new teachers.
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123 A trip to Mars
Lewis--Ralph R. (Student--1898)
R. R. Lewis imagines a trip to Mars via airship.
124 Ossoli Giving series of programs on Germany.
125 Y. W. C. A. Hold day of prayer; clear $25 on special issue of the Normal Eyte; many engaged in mission work.
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126 Bible Study Department Lesson XX: the Galilean ministry (third period).