Issue Contents

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1 Baseball managers meet Managers of teams meet at Iowa City to establish schedule; attempt to steer clear of professionalism; the blessings of not having money while in college.
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2 In general; social life at I. S. N. S. Believes that social life could be improved considerably.
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3 A traveling man Praise for work of O. H. L. Mason.
4 Armanella Myers Is teaching in Bedford.
5 Arthur T. S. Owen Is superintendent at Farmington.
6 Blanch E. Riggs Is assistant principal at Riceville.
7 Carolyn L. Rall Is teaching in the Carroll schools.
8 Carrie L. Neidy Is teaching in Carroll.
9 Cilena G. Mercer Is assistant principal at Aurelia.
10 Cora Alta Reed Has not reported.
11 E. W. B. Mark Is principal at Preston.
12 Elizabeth McNally Has not reported.
13 Elizabeth Rittgers Is teaching at Lohrville.
14 Emma J. Ridgely Is teaching in Ireton.
15 F. J. Kuppinger Working as sales agent for meat company.
16 Ida I. Morris Is teaching in Manning.
17 Ida May Wilson Is sick.
18 James M. Pierce Is principal at Redfield.
19 Jennie E. McKellar Is a student at the State University.
20 Jennie Maynard Is teaching in Cedar Falls.
21 John McPherson Teaches at New Sharon.
22 Katie Jane Putnam Has not reported.
23 Laura E. Martin Is assistant principal at Belmond.
24 Leslie I. Reed Is assistant principal at Rockford.
25 Louise Moyer Lives in Cedar Falls.
26 Luella Rigby Is a missionary in Thandaung, Burma.
27 Marjorie Quigley Is a student at the State University.
28 Mary E. Patterson Is teaching in Spirit Lake.
29 Mary L. McClung Has not reported.
30 Mary McGovern Is teaching in Waterloo.
31 Mayme Randall Was ill and could not teach this fall.
32 Mina B. Ogden Is teaching in Parkersburg.
33 Olive B. Pond Is teaching in Gladbrook.
34 Olive Inez Orton Is principal at the high school in Valley Junction.
35 Rose A. Morris Is a clerk in Guthrie Center.
36 Ruth M. Marsh Is a student at Normal.
37 W. H. Ray Is enrolled at the Normal.
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38 Anna Fletcher Teaching near Cherokee.
39 Cora Barnett Has been sick.
40 Elsie Fabrick Assistant principal at Everly.
41 Good reports Nellie M. Starks and Mabel Shearer doing well in Belle Plaine.
42 Ida Fell Has been sick.
43 J. R. Wilson Teaching in Spirit Lake.
44 Jay Swain Visited Marjorie Wallace.
45 Jessie Danskin Visited Nevada.
46 Lieut. P. M. Shaffer. Back in Philippines.
47 Louise Jones Called home due to illness.
48 Miss Bertha Wilby Visited Elizabeth Griffith.
49 Miss Jennie Ewers Bay Died January 10, 1901.
50 Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wynegar Have new son.
51 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shaffner Living in Cedar Falls.
52 Mr. Austin Burt and his wife Moved to Cedar Falls.
53 Mr. Canfield Has typhoid fever.
54 Nell Palmer and Bessie Everett Have the grippe.
55 Olivia Morton Went to New Mexico.
56 R. T. Crawford Writes from the Philippines.
57 Rev. O. F. Burgess Holding revival services.
58 Ruth Ireland Teaching in Winthrop.
59 Sadie Warner Teaching in Georgia.
60 The Cedar Falls Globe Printed letter from Luella Rigby, who is doing missionary work in India.
61 We learn Anna Coe teaching in Cedar Rapids.
62 Will A. Robinson Principal at Chelan, Washington.
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63 A complete set Works by Holmes, Lowell, and Hawthorne added to Library.
64 Alice Davis Has scarlet fever.
65 Bessie Sawyer Back in school.
66 Blanche Thompson, Anna Powers, and Stella Clark Left school due to poor health.
67 Charles Young Child sick.
68 Herman Mueller Donated fossils to Museum.
69 John C. Prall Conducted devotional exercises.
70 Messrs. Wassam and Glenny Visited campus.
71 Miss Carpenter Recovered from illness.
72 Miss Elizabeth Griffith Will assist in orchestral music area.
73 Miss Harriet Keeler Has been sick.
74 Miss Isabella Cumming Visited Professor Satterthwait.
75 Miss Jean Gilchrist Visited Bess Streeter.
76 Miss Lulu Bovee Was in library.
77 Mr. Ports Recovered from tonsillitis.
78 Nancy Baldwin Visited sister Laura.
79 Pearl Ritchie Has been sick.
80 President and Mrs. Seerley Gave class receptions.
81 Prof. Begeman Was sick.
82 Prof. Fullerton's new music book First three thousand copies just about gone; ordered another five thousand copies.
83 Rosa Raabe Back in school.
84 The Cottage Reading Circle Heard paper on Ruskin.
85 The iron columns Steel supports now in place; auditorium floor being laid.
86 The people in Allen's hall Went on sleigh ride.
87 There is a fine new wash drawing Picture of buildings in in President Seerley's office.
88 Thursday night Professor Thornton entertained class.
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89 Friends of the Misses Barger Regret to learn that their mother died.
90 One of the late contributions The Reverend Charles Stinson donated a red fox to the Museum.
91 Prof. Bartlett Ordered copies of the New England Primer for his classes.
92 The Aristo Society Shakes and Aristos enjoy sleigh ride to Waterloo.
93 The memoir of Francis B. Lenocker Prepared by President Seerley.
94 The Neo open session Well rendered.
95 The sleighing was fine Snow and ice conditions are good for sleighing, but everyone should be careful about catching the runners in the street railway tracks.
96 Two complete skeletons Skeleton of snake and perch as well as other specimens added to Museum.
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97 Prof. Begeman Talks about new equipment added to laboratory.
98 Training: illustration in teaching, IV
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Advice for teachers.
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99 Alpha party Professor Thornton entertains the group.
100 Alpha Society Members of the faculty address the group.
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101 Athletic; baseball meet Baseball schedule partially arranged; new equipment has arrived; classes arranged to use the equipment.
102 Ossoli public Presented Japanese program.
103 Y. W. C. A. Leader of Student Volunteer Movement visits.
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104 Bible Study Department Lesson XV: Paul's second missionary journey.