Issue Contents

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1 Editorial Believes harsh response to hazing at University of Iowa was probably appropriate; finds that University of Iowa values the graduates of the Normal School; preparing for oratorical contest.
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2 Daughter of former Normal trustee and Governor of Kansas hazed Jessie Lewelling, daughter of Lorenzo Lewelling, was branded on the forehead with silver nitrate at a Kansas high school.
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3 In general; teaching in the Philippines Potential prospects and conditions.
4 March class, 1901 Roster of graduates.
5 The summer session Profile of Lida B. Earhart, who will teach at ISNS this summer.
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6 A. O. Wydell Is principal at Slater.
7 Alumni items W. R. Patterson appointed to government statistical position; Bertha Bishop now in nurses training.
8 Arthur C. Wyant Is a student at the State University.
9 Beatrice S. Weller Is teaching at Gladbrook.
10 Bell Woodford Is teaching at Sergeants Bluffs.
11 Belle Tellier Is teaching in Emmetsburg.
12 Chas. Yeager Was at Normal until the winter term.
13 Clara Wakefield Is second assistant at Adel.
14 Clarence Wassam Is teaching at Hudson.
15 Emery E. Watson Is enrolled at Normal.
16 Ida May Wilson Is enrolled at the State University.
17 Ida Nell Tupper Is teaching at Panora.
18 Ida West Is teaching in Bristow.
19 J. R. Wilson Is teaching at Spirit Lake.
20 John P. Woodruff Is teaching in Lima, Washington.
21 M. R. Timmerman Is principal at Jewell; married to Hattie Higley.
22 Mabel Whitney Is teaching at Clear Lake.
23 Mabel Wise Is teaching near Villisca.
24 Margaret A. Tobin Is teaching in Fort Dodge.
25 Margaret Thompson Has not reported.
26 Minnie L. Wilson Is an assistant at Olin.
27 Myra Woodford Is teaching at Sergeants Bluffs.
28 Nellie W. Williams Teaches at Minden.
29 Quincy Yost Has not reported.
30 Walter H. Wadleigh Is teaching in Milford.
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31 Anna Hosmer Left school to teach.
32 Bessie Everett Visited Fairbank.
33 C. L. Berry Will not return to school this term.
34 Grace Earhart Visited Janesville.
35 Harriet Elston and Abbie Laughlin Guests in Waverly.
36 John R. Slacks Mother sick.
37 La Grippe Jessie Cunning missed class.
38 Martha Duxbury A number of students have left school due to poor health.
39 Maude Titus Will not return to school this term.
40 Miss Humphrey Visited Eagle Center.
41 Miss Lettie Hollis Visited sister Jennie.
42 Miss Marie Washburn Visited Hudson.
43 Miss Mayme E. Parkes Substituted in Cedar Falls.
44 Miss Nellie Young Guest of Maude Dudley.
45 Miss Suplee Went to Waterloo.
46 Misses Call and Simmons Entertained guests.
47 Misses Nell Miller and Lulu Graham Attended Philo session.
48 Mr. Achenbach Visited daughter Beth.
49 Mr. Gaasch Left school due to eye trouble.
50 Mrs. Arey Entertained friends.
51 Mrs. Frink Visited Professor Carpenter.
52 Mrs. Wilsey Visited cousin Mabel Leffingwell.
53 Nellie Leehey, Miss McMorrow, and Miss Ehrlich Have the grippe.
54 President Seerley Attended examiners meeting in Des Moines.
55 Prof. and Mrs. Bender Entertained friends.
56 Prof. Page Has the grippe.
57 Prof. Parish Addressed YMCA in Independence.
58 There was a spread At the home of Jennie Jennings.
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59 A reception Faculty will hold reception for juniors.
60 After some delay Speakers and topics for the local oratorical contest.
61 Miss Enola Pearl Pierce Entertained basketball team in Manchester.
62 Miss Pierce Preparing advanced elocution class.
63 Next Wednesday afternoon Professor Curtiss will give talk on the Passion Play, which she saw on her trip to Europe.
64 Normal Hill had another sensation Dr. Mead's horses ran away; no one injured.
65 Rev. Evans Addressed chapel on Sunday; Professor Colegrove will speak next.
66 The committee on Class Day Selected "Love's Labor Lost" for presentation.
67 The Cottage Reading Circle Continued discussion of Ruskin.
68 The Philo open session Presented selections from "Othello".
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69 A few symptoms Humorous look at the symptoms of the grippe.
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70 Training; illustration in teaching
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Advice for teachers.
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71 Chrestomathian Society Doing well this term.
72 Neotrophian Society Present program with Southern theme.
73 Y. W. C. A. Call for universal day of prayer.
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74 Athletic; Normal 8--Manchester 17 Account of the basketball game.
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75 Normal's baseball schedule Eight games scheduled; hope to improve baseball diamond.
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76 Bible Study Department Lesson XVIII: Paul's third missionary journey.