Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Editorial Believes triangular debate should be held earlier in the term; Professor Wright will begin series of essays on ISNS history.
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2 Beginnings of the Iowa State Normal School
Wright--David Sands (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Wright gives a brief history of the development of normal schools.
3 Ida Benfy Performance review.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Twenty-second triangular debate Lengthy account of the debate series.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Life in a typical western village
Brown--Anna C. (Student--1897)
Impressions of small town life.
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6 G. N. Sabin Principal in Oklahoma.
7 Louise Nelson Teaching in Jewell.
8 Mary H. Smith Teaching in South Dakota.
9 Miss Libbie Lodwick Principal of Iowa City High School.
10 Mr. S. L. Thomas Teaching at Council Bluffs.
11 The Chicago Times Herald Romanzo C. Adams is attending University of Chicago.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Anna Yaw Visited home.
13 B. J. Lambert Editor of engineering journal.
14 Benj. Boardman, '99, C. I. Lambert, '97, Ethel Waller, '98 Asked to write orations for University of Iowa Commencement.
15 Messrs. Montgomery of Red Oak and Mr. Leavitt of Cedar Falls Visited chapel.
16 Miss Dice Is sick.
17 Mr. C. B. Everett Visited daughter Bessie.
18 Mr. Ports Has been sick.
19 O. J. McManus Superintendent of Pottawattamie County.
20 Prof. and Mrs. Newton Entertained class
21 Prof. Fitzgerald Organized string sextette.
22 Prof. Geiser Has been sick.
23 The Normal Eyte takes pleasure Three alumni are officers of Central Iowa Teachers Association.
24 Two of our alumni at the State University Benjamin Boardman and Ernest Ede have submitted orations for contest.
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25 A party consisting of the boarders Took sleigh ride.
26 A party of ten young ladies and gentlemen Took sleigh ride to Hudson.
27 Esther Seerley Celebrated eighteenth birthday.
28 The last of the senior theses Seniors celebrate the completion of their theses.
29 The officers of the Y. M. C. A. cabinet Roster of officers.
30 There is an interesting group of animals Taxidermists prepare Museum display.
31 Training: teaching reading in the higher grades, II
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Advice for teachers.
32 Twelve young ladies Took sleigh ride.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Aristo report Working on parliamentary procedure.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Clio Society Working on parliamentary procedure; present program on Queen Victoria.
35 Neo Society Presented Lincoln and Japan programs.
36 Y. M. C. A. Ten ISNS students attended YMCA state convention.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Athletic Athletic Board of ten members is set up to help bring athletics under better management.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Untitled Bible Study lesson XXI: Paul's visit to Jerusalem.