Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Editorial A look at good study practices; Athletic Association on firm footing but needs student support; appreciates support for debate work.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Official; beginnings of the Iowa State Normal School; the establishment of the State Normal School
Wright--David Sands (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Wright writes about the passage of the bill to establish the Normal School.
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3 In general; the other side of the canteen question
Warren--Edward J. (Student--1901)
E. J. Warren responds to Major Dinwiddie's essay on use of alcohol in military service.
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# Article Article Summary
4 John A. Kleinsorge, Ph. D.
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Died March 16, 1901; end of promising career.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Appointment, promotions, and assignments I. S. N. S. Battalion, spring term 1901 Roster of cadet leaders.
6 Resolutions of sympathy On death of Mary McCallum.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Benj. Boardman Took third place in oratorical contest in Iowa City.
8 Carrie Lang Is teaching in Pasadena, California.
9 Clara Kneedy Has not reported this year.
10 F. L. Kolb Is enrolled at the Normal.
11 Fred Kuppinger Is living in Fairbuty, Nebraska.
12 Gertrude Jaklin Is teaching in Sioux City.
13 Grace E. Kincaid Is teaching in Walnut.
14 J. E. Barrett Will be principal at Missouri Valley.
15 Jennie M. Lindsey Is teaching in Grundy Center.
16 Lou Kelly Has not reported.
17 M. J. Lamb Is teaching at Larabee.
18 Mamie Kleinfelter Is teaching in Des Moines.
19 Prudence Jackson Is principal of Curlew.
20 Susan Kerstetter Is an assistant at Odebolt.
21 The Kalona News Praises work of E. C. Hill.
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# Article Article Summary
22 A six volume set of the American Reference Library Added to Library.
23 Calla Langworthy Will teach in Lamoni.
24 Florence Richardson Left school due to poor health.
25 Joe Adams Sister died.
26 Lura Bidlack Visited Waterloo.
27 Messrs. Glenny and Wassam Visited campus.
28 Miss Daisy Howe Visited campus.
29 Miss Florence Umbarger Will teach in Oelwein.
30 Miss Jessie Harbin Visited Professor Satterthwait.
31 Miss Mattie Freeburg Visited campus.
32 Miss Minnie Anderson Seriously ill.
33 Miss Nell Young Visited Waterloo.
34 Miss Sachra Left school due to father's death.
35 Miss Warriner Father ill.
36 Misses Bess Streeter and Florence Beebe. Visited Waterloo.
37 Misses Elsie Mendenhall A number of former students have returned to school.
38 Mr. George Drew Visited Professor Fullerton.
39 Mr. W. A. Mason Went home due to throat problem.
40 Mr. Warriner Millicent Warriner's father died.
41 Mrs. Colegrove Addressed women on social purity.
42 Nellie Gersbach Left school due to illness.
43 Nellie Loonan and Maud Popp Visited campus.
44 Nellie Rownd Has the grippe.
45 Prof. Fitzgerald Will miss several days of class.
46 Prof. Rich Spoke on Bible study.
47 There is quite a collection of woods Professor Arey has a collection of polished samples of wood in his room.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Major Dinwiddie Spending vacation in Chicago sanitarium; unsure when he will return.
49 Training; democratic or cooperative school government
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Advice for teachers.
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# Article Article Summary
50 Ossoli Hold program and reception.
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# Article Article Summary
51 Alpha Society Presented Victorian program.
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# Article Article Summary
52 Y. W. C. A. Membership figures for those in several of the YWCA's programs
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# Article Article Summary
53 Bible Study Department Lesson XXIV: Paul's imprisonment in Rome.