Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Editorial Sorrow over death of Eugene Brown; review of successful Lecture Course.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Official; beginnings of the Iowa State Normal School Profile of and tribute to James Cleland Gilchrist.
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# Article Article Summary
3 News from Omaha Trip by Alexander Martz to California starts well.
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# Article Article Summary
4 Major Dinwiddie Seriously ill.
5 Prof. A. W. Rich Attended meeting.
6 The Athletic Association Excursion to state field meet.
7 The erection of the new building Second story almost done; work on third story well underway; gallery of auditorium also in place.
8 Work on the connecting corridor Work on Crossroads well underway.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Abbie M. Rodman Is teaching in Racine, Wisconsin.
10 Alice M. Simpson Is living in Whittemore.
11 Anna Philpot Is teaching in Cedar Falls.
12 Anna Schulte Is teaching in Petersburg, Nebraska.
13 Benj. Quigley Is principal of the Parker school.
14 Benjamin Boardman Will make Commencement oration at University of Iowa.
15 Bessie E. Rathbun Is living in Postville.
16 Blanche E. Riggs Is assistant principal at Riceville.
17 Byron J. Reed Is principal at Lewis.
18 C. R. Peters Is a salesman in Denver, Colorado.
19 Casper Schenk Is principal at Little Rock, Iowa.
20 Chas. P. Shearer Is assistant principal at Newell.
21 Cornelia E. Rhynsburger Is teaching in Pella.
22 Edna M. Poor Is deputy treasurer of Buchanan County.
23 Edna S. Poorbaugh Is teaching in Boone.
24 Edward G. Quigley Is principal at Fairfield.
25 Etta J. Rider Is attending the State University.
26 F. A. Poots Is principal at Aurora.
27 Galen G. Ripley Is state manager in Iowa for a Chicago portrait company.
28 Harold E. Scott Is editor of a county newspaper in Osceola.
29 Ira F. Shaffner Is a general agent for a publishing company.
30 Josephine Smith Is teaching in Nashua.
31 L. C. Bryan Principal at Dayton; Alda Potter is assistant there.
32 Lucy O. Pingrey Is assistant principal at Livermore.
33 Martha F. Roberts Is teaching at Cherokee.
34 Mary Rourke Is principal at Farley.
35 Maude B. Ransom Is attending the State University.
36 Nellie M. Rownd Is enrolled at the Normal.
37 Paul B. Samson Is assistant at Parkersburg.
38 S. A. Potts Is superintendent at Adel.
39 Stella M. Robinson Married Forrest Wynegar and is living in Dairyville.
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# Article Article Summary
40 A. C. Fuller Superintendent at Manning.
41 Amy Arey Re-elected at Tipton.
42 Anna Althouse and Susie Triplett Went to teach spring school.
43 C. S. Cory Is quite ill.
44 Chas. H. Blodgett Will be superintendent at Logan.
45 Dr. W. R. Patterson Promoted to assistant professor at University of Iowa.
46 Edith Sudlow Will teach at Newton.
47 Geo. D. Eaton In charge at Lacona.
48 Gertrude Apple Will teach in Clarinda.
49 Gertrude Granger Entered school.
50 H. S. Stein Principal at Battle Creek and Danbury.
51 Margaret Ball Attending University of Iowa.
52 Miss Asenith Wilson Visited Maud Brackney.
53 Mr. Fabrick Helping Mr. and Mrs. Martz get ready for trip to California.
54 Mrs. Condit Entertained parents.
55 Norma Van Dyke Visited campus.
56 Paul Samson Will be principal at Parkersburg.
57 Pearl M. Shaffer Home from army.
58 S. A. Potts Has been sick; Cap Miller is substituting for him.
59 Salome Van Winkle Visited campus.
60 Supt. Eells Visited son Harry.
61 The Mystick Krew Entertained friends at Florence Beebe's home.
62 The Normal baseball team Played against Cedar Rapids.
63 Tom Sessions Visited campus.
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# Article Article Summary
64 A provisional society Organized for men; other societies are filled to capacity.
65 At the death of Mr. Brown Students and faculty raise money for the mortgage on the house of Eugene Brown.
66 Elnah Hamilton Died of tuberculosis.
67 Miss McGovern Entertained Catholic students and students in her classes.
68 Miss Satterthwait Spoke to women.
69 Mr. and Mrs. Martz Left for Pasadena, California.
70 Prof. Rich Spoke at Sheldon.
71 Quite a number of students Attended Presbyterian meeting.
72 State Supt. Barrett Spoke in chapel.
73 Supt. Lyon visited campus.
74 The fortunate people A number of students have already secured teaching positions.
75 The question for the triangular debate Will debate independence for Cuba.
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# Article Article Summary
76 The Schumann recital Brief review.
77 Training; geography in the higher grades, II
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Advice for teachers.
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# Article Article Summary
78 Ossoli Society Present programs on American Indians, examinations, and comic play.
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# Article Article Summary
79 Y. M. C. A. Faculty lead Wednesday evening sessions.
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# Article Article Summary
80 Athletic Men practicing for baseball and track.
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# Article Article Summary
81 Card of thanks For assistance at time of death of Elna Hamilton.
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# Article Article Summary
82 Bible Study Department Lesson XXVII: Paul's last labors and letters.