Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Editorial Oratorical contest coming up; shortage of teachers in some places because boards are unwilling to pay fair salaries; hopes that three men can be found who are willing to teach in the Philippines.
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# Article Article Summary
2 Official; beginnings of the Iowa State Normal School; the students' volunteer religious work
Wright--David Sands (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Wright discusses the foundation of religious work on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
3 Commendation for Normal's system of literary training Praise from the Iowa State University student newspaper.
4 Program for the quarter centennial anniversary of the State Normal School Program of events to be held during Commencement week.
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5 Blanche Hinkley Studying at Cornell College.
6 Cora D. Patterson Will teach in Salt Lake City.
7 E. G. Clark Will be principal at Lake Mills.
8 Emma Adams, Lizzie Fry, and Fannie Hopkins Went out to teach.
9 Emmetsburg Quite a number of Normalites will teach there.
10 Faith Stuntz Visited campus.
11 Frances Stewart Studying osteopathy.
12 Ida Harmon Visited La Porte.
13 Last week Benjamin Boardman placed second in the half mile run at the University of Iowa.
14 Mary E. Waller Elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
15 Maud Lane Will continue at Lake Mills.
16 Miss Anna Baker Visited sister in Waterloo.
17 Miss Elizabeth Griffith Will have music classes.
18 Miss Enola Pierce Entertained mother.
19 Miss Florence Umbarger Visited sister Clara.
20 Miss Ida Strawn Took class on picnic.
21 Ruth Marsh Visited sister.
22 S. A. Potts Resumed duties at Adel after recovering from illness.
23 The Fitzgerald concert band Played in Waterloo.
24 Tressa Tighe Had malarial fever.
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25 A fine specimen of the Canada lynx Donated to Museum by Rodney Arey.
26 Four beautiful pictures Purchased by ISNS.
27 Francisco Pino Cuban boy visits campus.
28 John Lund Appointed to West Point.
29 Mrs. Dinwiddie Major Dinwiddie is some better but will not return this term.
30 Mrs. Seerley Received letter that the Martz family arrived in California.
31 Shakespeare's Loves Labor Lost Will be presented as class play.
32 The Art Club Met recently.
33 The elections for this week More students have found teaching positions.
34 The Eugene Brown fund Has reached nearly $600.
35 The I. S. N. S. baseball team Several men miss the train but catch up on a freight.
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# Article Article Summary
36 The quarterly bulletin Will be a special historical issue.
37 Training; arithmetic
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Advice for teachers.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Aristo Society Presented American Indian program.
39 Neotrophian Society Presented several programs.
40 Y. M. C. A. Heard address on missionary work in Greece and Turkey.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Clio Society Present debate.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Athletic; Normal 5--Ames 0 Account of the baseball game.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Bible Study Department Lesson XXIX: Paul's last labors and letters.