Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 As the term advances Auditorium Building is nearing completion but other ISNS needs remain; urges alumni to lobby General Assembly.
2 Neither the students nor alumni Normal Eyte has not received the support from alumni that it had hoped for.
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3 Extracts from Board of Trustees report Report cites rising enrollment and consequent needs including a laboratory building, gymnasium, library, landscaping, and sidewalks
4 One thing that is needed Large crowds are needed to support football players this season.
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5 Debate Contest to help select those who will participate in the debate with Ames.
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6 Training; teaching physiology
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Professor Bender outlines his recommendations for teaching physiology.
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7 Alma E. Evans Teaching in Montana.
8 Charles Levi Lewis Works as bank teller; married Margaret Vikingstad.
9 Cilena Mercer Teaching at Aurelia.
10 Clara Williamson Teaching at Bismarck, Iowa.
11 Ida M. Strawn Teaching in South Dakota.
12 It now seems Plan to continue alumni column in the Normal Eyte will be dropped due to lack of alumni support.
13 Jessie Danskin Jessie Danskin is teaching near Nevada; her sister Ella is staying with her.
14 Nervie Keeler Teaching at Odebolt.
15 Poem read on alumni day
Poor--Edna (Student--1894)
Long poetic tribute to ISNS by Edna Poor
16 Ruby Calderwood Teaching at Moulton.
17 The Pocahontas County Sun Fred C. Gilchrist is a candidate for the November 1901 elections.
18 W. H. Bridges Principal at Marathon.
19 W. H. Wadleigh Studying at Northwestern University.
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20 Edith Redmond Visiting her sister.
21 Iva Lamb Visited home in Grundy Center.
22 J. D. Thompson Visited campus.
23 Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wolfe Have a new baby boy.
24 Nellie Worcester Visited home.
25 Pres. Seerley Returned from Rochester, Minnesota.
26 Prof. Rich Spoke to men at prayer meeting.
27 The heating plant Partially completed; heat turned on.
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28 Again the melons were forced to render assistance Professor Rice entertained faculty at her home.
29 If you are wise Urges students to buy football season ticket.
30 Miss Rice Entertained English history class at her home; Professor Thornton spoke on her trip to Europe.
31 Miss Thornton Entertained classes at her home.
32 Prof. Hersey Hopes to move into his new house on Iowa Street soon.
33 The Cottage Reading Circle Met at President Seerley's house; discussed anarchy; Professor Wright spoke on Shakespeare and his characters.
34 The first chapel oration Elizabeth Clifford spoke.
35 The new auditorium Nearing completion; will seat about two thousand; should be fine place for college lectures and entertainment performances.
36 The street car company Has begun grading work for a line and depot on campus; will run near new Auditorium Building.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Neotrophian Enjoyed program and debate.
38 Ossoli
Rieke--Ida Lydia (Class of 1902)
Getting organized for the year; roster of officers.
39 Prof. Fullerton Hopes to have new edition of his book available for sale soon.
40 The new society halls President Seerley and the English Department distributed the society halls in the new building by lot.
41 The Y. W. C. A. has arranged Women students will have series of addresses by women faculty; Mrs. G. W. Newton spoke on "Social Problems of Co-education."
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# Article Article Summary
42 Aristo
King--Albert D. (Class of 1903)
Getting organized for the year; lack of heat has hampered work.
43 The first game of the season First home football game of the season is next Friday against Ames.
44 The first open session Philos will present program.
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45 Normal is victorious, defeats Cornell College team by a score of 11 to 6 in a hard fought game Normal wins first game of season; account of the game.
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46 Season tickets Season tickets available.
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47 Directory Roster of student organization officers.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Bible Study Department Lesson V; The chosen family, Abraham.