Issue Contents

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1 Notes by the Way
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Letter from President Seerley on other schools' buildings and plans.
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2 Iowa Library Association
Drenning--Clara A.
Clara Drenning talks about the recent convention in Grinnell.
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3 Ames-Normal debate; seventh annual debate between Normal and State college fiercely contested Ames defeated ISNS; series now stands at 4-3.
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4 The coming season finds W. B. Patton in the title role of "The Minister's Son." To be presented at Packard's opera house.
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5 The Southwest Iowa Teachers Association
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
President Seerley gives his impressions of the meeting.
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6 A good time Marie Peterson invited old friends for a party.
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7 Training
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Iowa geography--history
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8 After a pleasant summer in Europe Susie Ablett is back to teaching in Green Mountain.
9 An advance of salary Cora Munro doing well in Minneapolis.
10 C. I. Lambert Back to medical studies.
11 Carrie (Gwynne) Falkington Now in Idaho.
12 Charles Townsend Leavitt New son for Mr. and Mrs. Roger Leavitt.
13 Clara Bauman Teaching in Buffalo Center.
14 E. J. Warren Engaged in farming.
15 George W. Wells Working as book salesman.
16 Ida Fell Teaching in Dysart.
17 In addition to carrying junior work in the Northwestern Medical school John D. Lyon is serving as a student assistant.
18 Katie M. Ives Teaching in LeMars.
19 M. Alice Blake Home in Ackley.
20 Mary Notton Teaching at Parkersburg.
21 Minnie Quist Visiting Illinois.
22 Nellie McLennan Teaching at Primghar.
23 The assistant principal Nellie M. Scott is serving in Elliott.
24 The fifth Iowa State Conference of Charities and Correction Elmer Park and Percy Huget spoke at the conference.
25 The Greeley schools Philo Hammond is in charge there.
26 The pastor of the M. E. church L. D. Stubbs is pastor in Walker.
27 The principal of the Kossuth schools Walter Rorabaugh is in charge there.
28 The schools at Lenox, Iowa E. E. Kuhn is superintendent there; Frank Howard is working in Bedford.
29 The schools of Sugar City, Colorado Ida Morrill is assistant principal there.
30 Wesley Wiler Came home with George Eckard to vote.
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31 At the home of her sister in Afton, Iowa Ida May Robinson died.
32 C. E. Stinson Studying theology in Boston.
33 Carrie Deckes Visited Professor Carpenter.
34 Dorothy Wormhoudt Teaching at Orange City.
35 Eleanor Gray Teaching near Traer.
36 Grace Austin Teaching at Storm Lake.
37 Hallie Kinney Assistant principal at Newell.
38 Jessie Craig Doing well in Fort Dodge.
39 Minnie Newton Doing well at Wendel.
40 Some of the young men who came home to vote A number of men came back home to vote in the elections.
41 Word is received of the marriage Ruth Brandhorst married Ralph Eighmey.
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42 Society Chrestos elect officers; Aristos hear papers; Zetas enjoy Halloween program; Ossolis present Gibson program. Orios hold literary program; Alphas present parody.
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43 Alice Boomer Visited campus.
44 Football notes Normal loses both games to Coe; 18-0 for the first team and 22-0 for the scrubs.
45 Marie Bongartz Mother ill.
46 Mattie Aker Teaching in Decorah.
47 Miss Warriner Visited Waterloo.
48 Myra Downs Back in school after teaching near Bristow.
49 Rev. Brooks Visited Susie French.
50 The friends of Viva Huff Viva Huff is back in school.
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51 Cecil Bickley Broke collar bone in football game.
52 For the first time since school opened Fire breaks out in boarding house; little damage done.
53 Friday eve., Oct. 31 Reception held for Ames debaters.
54 Harry Cotton Came home to vote.
55 Louise Bravinder Attended sister's wedding.
56 Minna Merriam Sister Zela visited.
57 Miss Feyereisen Returned to school after death of father.
58 Miss Rice Entertained class.
59 Mr. and Mrs. Hubbell and Mr. and Mrs. Curkeet Entertained friends.
60 Pres. Seerley Delivered address at teachers meeting.
61 Saturday evening Neos put on special program.
62 The students who have been assembling in the auditorium Chapel assembly split in order to provide greater opportunities to deliver orations.
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63 Clara Drenning Returned from state library meeting.
64 John Dunkerton Went home to vote.
65 Oratorical contest The men's societies will compete.