Issue Contents

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1 Adversity is the university of charity
2 Prof. Walters the other day Believes that students should work seriously but not over tax themselves.
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3 In discussing the question of points to be observed in judging a debate Advice on what is most important in debate.
4 The term has advanced Advice on how to meet adversity.
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6 An editor roasted Critical of Cedar Falls.
7 Insane over music; Banda Rossa Woman goes mad at performance of orchestra.
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8 Dr. Frank Bristol Will speak on campus.
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9 Athletic department; Normal 6, Penn 6 Normal held a banquet after the game for all the participants.
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10 Society Chrestos presented literary program; Zetas enjoy music; Alphas hear papers; Shakes present advertising program; Aristos hear papers.
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11 Training
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Iowa geography- productions.
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12 Carrie Dunham Teaching country school.
13 Flora Van Dike Teaching in Belle Plaine.
14 Frank J. Conley Principal in Iona.
15 Geo. D. Jones Studying law at Yale.
16 Kittie Lockwood Teaching in Greene.
17 Lottie Perry Teaching in New Hampton.
18 Mabel Fry and Mabel Clair Teaching at Greeley.
19 Mabel Hardenbrook Teaching in Bedford.
20 Martha Fothergill Teaching in Eagle Grove.
21 Maude Nelson Teaching in Lenox.
22 Miss Addie Maltlee Teaching at Marcus.
23 Miss Emma Miller Teaching in Alton.
24 Miss Roxy Jackson Teaching at Lenox.
25 Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Barr Doing well in Sergeants Bluff.
26 The sad news of the death of Walter Davis Died in hunting accident.
27 Word is received that Esther Ridley Now in California.
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28 Beatrice Weller Studying art at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.
29 Benjamin Hess Principal in Alta.
30 Bessie Arnold Teaching in California.
31 Bruce Alderman Recovered from illness.
32 E. T. Moyer Farming in South Dakota.
33 Edith M. Fischer Teaching at Logan.
34 Elizabeth Klein Teaching in Moline.
35 Ella E. Moore Studying at University of Iowa.
36 Friends of Mabel Quire Will go to California.
37 Good reports of the work Charles Stoakes is doing well in Randolph.
38 Grace Rhoades Teaching in Minnesota.
39 Jennie Leonard Doing well in Walnut.
40 Jessie Roberts Teaching in Cambridge.
41 Josephine Miller Teaching in La Porte City.
42 L. Mabel Dimmitt Teaching in Eldon.
43 Laura (Monlux) Locke Practicing medicine in Oklahoma.
44 Lillie Rollins Teaching near Cherokee.
45 Margaret Young Teaching in Tipton.
46 Naomi Achenbach Teaching in Waverly; received degree from University of Iowa.
47 The dental department of S. U. I. Roy Crouse enrolled there.
48 The instructor of mathematics in the high school of Kewanee, Ill. Minnie Trask is doing well there.
49 The principal Bessie Swan is principal in Missouri Valley.
50 The schools of Florence, Colorado Catherine Harris is teaching there.
51 The science teacher in the Harlan high school J. O. Kirkpatrick doing well there.
52 The teacher of the fifth grade of Newton Grace Wilson has been sick.
53 W. H. Bender Book in use in Australia.
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54 After serving as principal of the Hiteman schools for two years James Treasure is in North English.
55 At the beginning of the fall term Bella Hostetter is teaching in Cedar Rapids.
56 C. J. Oleson Doing missionary work; brother Ole in in North Dakota.
57 Clara Travis Continuing work in Independence.
58 Dora Larson Assistant principal at Audubon.
59 Mabel (Felmley) Yaggy Visited Iowa; will return to New York.
60 Mary Wheeler Bagg Clemenger Died in Alaska.
61 Paul Samson Studying at YMCA school in Massachusetts.
62 The duties of the S. S. Stockwell Teaching in Cedar Rapids; did institute work.
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63 Arthur Box Visited sister Jessie.
64 Chapel exercises Conducted by the Reverends Nelson and Biggs.
65 Clara Randall and May Kurtz Attended funeral.
66 Emily Gardner Left school due to poor health.
67 Geo. Samson Appointed organist of Presbyterian Church in Waterloo.
68 Ida Lash Will teach in Cedar Falls.
69 It appears that Mr. Long
70 Last Tuesday evening Students enjoyed Banda Rossa concert.
71 Maude Popp Not running for Normal Eyte staff.
72 Maude Thompson Has been sick.
73 Miss Call Nephew will visit.
74 Miss Goodwin and Suplee Gave supper.
75 Susie French Will teach country school.
76 The Board of Trustees Arranging location of new Gymnasium.
77 Thursday evening Friends honored Jennie Landis.
78 Vivian Ross Went home.
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79 Penmanship Lessons
Cummins--Harry Carlton (Class of 1898; Commercial Education Faculty)
Writing samples by Professor Cummins.
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80 Saturday evening Margaret Oliver entertained football team.
81 The assistant principal of the Livermore schools Celia Bergen is in charge there.