Issue Contents

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3 Training
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Iowa geography, schools and education.
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4 A grammar grade Margaret Gittins is teaching at Dexter.
5 Adella (Gibson) Stuckey Now in Kansas City.
6 Alice Cowie Teaching in Gilmore City.
7 Cora G. Curtis Teaching in Ames.
8 Ellen Schuff Superintendent of boarding school in India.
9 Emma Heverly Working for Methodist Episcopal church.
10 Ethyl Miller Visited campus.
11 Grace M. Harrison Teaching in Ionia.
12 Grace Troutner Teaching in North Des Moines.
13 Ida Zeigler Teaching in Dallas Center.
14 Jennie Sheean Visited Professor Riggs.
15 Jessie Lias Assistant principal in Bellevue.
16 Katherine Schwertly Studying at University of Nebraska.
17 Kittie Murphy Teaching in Pomeroy.
18 Lois Wilson Assistant principal in Emerson.
19 Luke Rhoads Teaching near Clarksville.
20 Mabel Whitney Principal in Belle Plaine.
21 Margaret Cunningham Teaching in Fort Dodge.
22 Margaret Mary Scallon At home now.
23 Margarette Ball Teaching at Lohrville.
24 Martha Emry Principal in Fairfield.
25 Mary (Ripke) Wild Went to California.
26 Maude Bortell Teaching at Traer.
27 Nellie Hinman Married Will H. Eddy.
28 Philomena Meyer Teaching in New Hampton.
29 Samuel Quigley Teaching in Oklahoma.
30 Tillie Jackson Teaching in Albert Lea.
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31 Albert L. Comstock Working as private secretary.
32 At a meeting of the Marathon school board Re-elected Eck Roberts as principal.
33 Five years ago Now quite a few Normalites teaching at Algona.
34 Frank G. Miller Studying forestry at Yale University.
35 Geo. F. Thompson Principal of schools in Washington state; studying for Ph. D.
36 Lina Wilkinson Recovering from typhoid fever.
37 M. E. Weldy Studying at Harvard University.
38 Nellie Wallbank She and Percy Hunt acted as judges in oratorical contest.
39 That the school board and patrons of the Rowan schools Appreciate the work of Ed Dickey.
40 The marriage of Jedie Jones Married Dr. Oshier.
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41 Society Orios present tramp program; Aristos hear papers and debate; Neos install officers.
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42 Acetylene
Page--Abbott Chandler (Science Faculty)
Professor Page writes an essay on this gas.
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43 Y. W. C. A. benefit Margaret Oliver's sister Katharine will present entertainment.
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44 Amy Crary Called home.
45 Bessie Carter's father Here for a visit.
46 Blanche King Mother visited.
47 Caliste Wilson Has been sick.
48 Chris Fensenbeck Has been sick.
49 Claude Tice Left school.
50 Edith Benson Back in school.
51 Esta Ross, Kate Lester, Alice Davis and Mr. Lee Popp Have been sick.
52 Ethel Vaughn and Lucy Buskin Left school due to poor health.
53 Ida Crawford Called home.
54 Minna Merriam Has been sick.
55 Miss Elizabeth Marschall Visited sister Ida.
56 Mr. and Mrs. Southland Had dinner with the Fullertons.
57 Mrs. Bezold Visited daughter Ceva.
58 Mrs. C. A. Fullerton Visited her parents.
59 Raymond Dix and Geo. Samson Missed classes.
60 Rev. Allison Led chapel exercises.
61 Supt. Robinson Went to Mason City.
62 The numerous friends of Mae Wright May Wright is ill.
63 Thursday afternoon John Fellingham addressed the YMCA.
64 W. M. Willis Father ill.
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65 And still we hear of these marriages Eleanor May Gardner married Harry A. Beck.
66 Arthur Smith Teaching in Winterset.
67 At the close of the biennial period in 1904 Professor Bartlett will retire.
68 Avis Williams Teaching in Akron.
69 Calendar of events Schedule for the coming month.
70 Clara Hall Teaching in Sioux Rapids.
71 Dora Kruger Teaching in Ionia.
72 Elmer Charlson Teaching in Story City.
73 Ina Clump Teaching in Superior.
74 Marguerite Casey Teaching near Casey.
75 Mary Feltus Teaching near Allison.
76 Nellie Spellman Teaching in Tripoli.
77 Prof. Louis Begeman Obtained patent for improvement in batteries.
78 Roxy Parker Teaching in Morning Sun.
79 The next meeting of the Cottage Reading Circle Will feature a Scottish program.
80 Tuesday evening, Jan. 27, Miss Bertha Stiles Put on a character party.
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81 A pretty home wedding celebrated Myra Sellers married Fred Cram.
82 Field hockey Reasons to begin team; description of the game.
83 Oratorical Roster of those who will compete for the interstate oratorical contest.
84 Proposed amendment To Normal Eyte constitution; sets election time.
85 Tennis from the girls' standpoint Women encouraged to play tennis.
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86 Bible study
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Third period of the Galilean ministry, 29 A. D.