Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 The perfect man
Howarth--Jennie (Class of 1903)
Essay by Jennie Howarth.
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2 Society Neos enjoy money program; Orios present music and drama; Zetas enjoy music; Aristos present music and debate.
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3 Value of college education Brief review of book by R. T. Crane.
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4 Closing recital Program of performers and their work.
5 Training
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Manual training is coming in the public schools.
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# Article Article Summary
6 Alice Caliste Wilson Visited campus.
7 Elizabeth Miller Father ill.
8 Homer Hawley Visited the Lamberts.
9 Lulu Schultz Left school due to poor health.
10 Miss Arey Went to Waterloo.
11 Miss Portia Johnson Visiting sister Lora.
12 Mr. Brooks Visited Susie French.
13 The tennis tournament Several Normalites participated in the tournament at Iowa City.
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14 B. E. Sargent Left school.
15 Edith Anderson and Bess Hoag Went to New Hartford.
16 J. C. Jones Attended campus concerts.
17 Last Saturday Students enjoyed picnic.
18 Last week Aristos won baseball game.
19 Lela Pearl Gould Left school due to illness.
20 Mabel Donnan Visited Maude Popp.
21 Maud Kellogg Left school.
22 Miss Gallup Visiting the Gists.
23 Mr. Edson Visited campus.
24 Nellie Loonan Visited home.
25 Olive Dale Left school due to illness.
26 Society fad of the season Groups are having pictures taken.
27 T. E. Jones Grandmother died.
28 The social meeting of the Tuesday Club Met at home of Mrs. Parish.
29 They say Miss Riggs Had good time at ballgame.
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30 Arthur Box Visited sister.
31 Be sure and attend the baseball game Philos and Aristos will play.
32 Ida O'Brien Called home.
33 Joe Scallon Visited sister.
34 Last night, the Honorary Neos Entertained several groups.
35 Major Olmstead Ordered to report to Des Moines; military training on campus will likely be discontinued.
36 Miss A. Estelle Paddock YWCA state secretary was on campus.
37 Miss Baker's sister Attended concert.
38 Miss Ruth Ling Attended concert.
39 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mead and Miss Johanna and Lillian Bowers Visited Dr. and Mrs. Mead.
40 Pres. Seerley Gave address in Shenandoah.
41 Some of the members of the faculty Are in great demand as baccalaureate speakers.
42 T. J. Ryan Left school.
43 Thursday evening Elocution class went on picnic.
44 Wednesday evening Flood on Wiler Creek.
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45 The Thomas Concerts Review of the concert.
46 Who says "Fourth year can play ball Students defeat faculty in baseball, 30-15.
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# Article Article Summary
47 A gratifying increase in salary A. L. Vincent is principal in Wellman.
48 Anna C. Brown Will continue to teach in Cambria.
49 At the spring meeting of the Big Seven Teacher's Association Ida Leydig elected president.
50 B. T. Youel Principal in Doon.
51 C. S. Stoakes Will attend medical school.
52 David Patten Will continue in Pomeroy.
53 Ethel Meacham Will teach at Wellman.
54 F. W. Perkins Will not continue in Aurelia.
55 Florence B. Clark and Annie L. Clark Will receive law degrees.
56 J. O. Kirkpatrick Will teach in institute in Shelby County.
57 James E. Fitzgerald Will continue as principal in Kingsley.
58 Louis Pelzer and John Parish Will attend summer school at University of Iowa.
59 Mary Jensen Will be assistant principal in Dexter.
60 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Steele Resigned from work in Philippine Islands.
61 Nellie Fields Will continue to teach at Grinnell.
62 Newell schools are to continue under E. W. Vogel is in charge there.
63 Re-election R. A. Fenton will continue as principal in Janesville.
64 Supt. H. H. Savage Will continue as superintendent in Dennison.
65 T. B. Morris Will continue at Correctionville.
66 The Manchester school board Jennie Speer is assistant principal there.
67 The principal elect Frank Fowlie will head Larchwood schools.
68 The school Board of Villisca E. P. Sheppard is superintendent there.
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69 At a meeting of the school board C. L. Love will be superintendent in Grundy Center.
70 Ida Peterson Will teach in Idaho.
71 Luella Simmons Teaching in Chicago Heights, Illinois.
72 M. H. Thielen Many alumni visited campus for the music festival.
73 Miss Belle Donnan Visiting Cedar Falls.
74 Osceola County Ida Strawn taught at an institute there.
75 Susie Hemenway Will teach in East Waterloo.
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# Article Article Summary
76 Bible Study
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
General review.