Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Each year the school paper New Normal Eyte staff is working hard; paper now going to 1900 readers.
2 Shall I join society?; society work and the new student Believes that students should enter societies at first possible opportunity; benefits of society work.
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3 Cooks combine; pro and con of the situation Students dissatisfied with increase in cook's fee; a look at costs of rooming and boarding costs.
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4 New faces face the students; several changes have been made in the faculty recently Louise Rowe will substitute for Henrietta Thornton; Sarah Quigley will substitute for Emma Lambert; other changes noted.
5 Notes on Music
Fullerton--Charles Alexander (Class of 1890; Music Faculty)
Teachers associations discuss music in schools.
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6 Training
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Some essentials in the consideration of subject matter and method.
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7 Anna Bernard Anna Bernard summered in Wisconsin with her sister.
8 Blanche McIntosh Blanche McIntosh is assistant principal at Britt.
10 Edyth Sadler Edyth Sadler is teaching at Colfax.
11 Elizabeth Klein Elizabeth Klein is teaching in Moline.
12 Etta Rider Etta Rider is principal at the Cherokee Indian Girls' Seminary.
13 Frank Barber Frank Barber will be principal in San Antonio, California.
14 G. L. Martin G. L. Martin is principal at Washta.
15 Grace Simpson Grace Simpson is assistant principal at Peterson.
16 Ida Belle Gordon Ida Gordon has resigned her position at Montezuma.
17 It is reported that R. M. Estes R. M. Estes starts new career in journalism.
18 Jeanette Wooley Jeanette Wooley is teaching in Cedar Falls.
19 L. B. Swaggart L. B. Swaggart has accepted a position in Boise, Idaho.
21 Lulu Marsh Lulu Marsh has accepted a position in Greeley, Colorado.
22 Mae Wright Mae Wright is teaching at Wilton Junction.
23 Miss Emma Secor Emma Secor will return to Odebolt.
24 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Steele The Steele family is in Carroll.
25 Naomi Achenbach Naomi Achenbach is teaching at Marshalltown.
26 Nellie Fields Nellie Fields has accepted a position in Mitchellville.
27 W. A. Bartlett W. A. Bartlett spent part of his vacation in Cedar Falls.
# Article Article Summary
9 Blanche McLeod Blanche McLeod continues her work at Ames.
20 Leslie Reed Leslie Reed accepts job in Northwood.
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28 Among the many social attractions Lucy Kuehne married Harry Scott.
29 Dr. J. G. McAlvin J. G. McAlvin left today for a year of study in Europe.
30 J. N. Felmley J. N. Felmley, father of several ISNS students, died August 8th.
31 J. O. Johnson J. O. Johnson is returning to Iowa City after years with the Cedar Falls Record.
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32 School Management
Colegrove--Chauncey Peter (Education Faculty)
The teacher as student.
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33 A. J. Meyer "Ching" Meyer is now teaching in Eldora.
34 Alice C. Wilson Alice Wilson is teaching at Waterloo.
35 Announcements of a July wedding Edith Baker and Ralph Thompson were married.
36 Attention Bible students; Rev. Oscar Lowry will speak Bible study work specialist, the Reverend Oscar Lowry, to speak.
37 Blanche Howe Blanche Howe is teaching at Belmond.
38 Carrie Hiams Carrie Hiams is teaching near Rowen.
39 Cecil Bickley Cecil and Carl Bickley attend Chicago medical school.
40 Dora Holman Dora Holman is teaching in Mason City.
41 Edna Pickering Edna Pickering is teaching in Boone.
42 Ethel Lowman Ethel Lowman is teaching in Griswold.
43 Lena Gordon Lena Gordon is now teaching at Grinnell.
44 Nina Walker Nina Walker begins her work at Parkersburg.
45 The principalship of the Plymouth schools F. M. McClintock is principal at Plymouth.
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46 Athletes rejoice; Normal has a permanent coach at last Charles Pell has been elected to the position of assistant physical director; profile of Charles Pell; photo.
47 Our new physical director; Miss Tilton come highly recommended Clara Tilton succeeds Miss Satterthwait as assistant physical director; profile of Clara Tilton; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
48 How many will be hurt? Believes that most football injuries are caused by carelessness.
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# Article Article Summary
49 We are growing; the Gymnasium and Laboratory are being constructed The Gymnasium will be open by next September; description of the Gymnasium and the Laboratory Building; credit due to James Robinson.
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50 Alice M. Edwards Alice Edwards spent Wednesday with friends.
51 Bert Callison and J. A. Yeager Bert Callison and J. A. Yeager continue their work in school.
52 Beulah Koon Beulah Koon visited friends this week.
53 Jessie Nordstrom Jessie Nordstrom visited Cedar Falls.
54 Minna Merriam Minna Merriam was the guest of Ethel Lovitt this week.
55 Miss Arey and Miss Wild Miss Arey and Miss Wild vacationed in Michigan.
56 Miss Sebolt and Miss Olmstead Bess Sebolt and Adenia Olmstead visited friends this week.
57 Owing to ill health, Miss Thornton Professor Thornton has given up her work for awhile due to ill health.
58 Prof. Geo. Newton The Newton family spent Saturday in Waterloo.
59 Word has been received from Miss Chantry Miss Chantry's illness will prevent her from meeting with classes.
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60 A Normal student of second year fame Noted that several faculty have trimmed or eliminated facial hair.
61 A word to new students Gawkers in hallways are sizing students up for literary societies.
62 Among the N. E. A. visitors Professors attend National Education Association meeting.
63 Mr. Gray Purchased Newton Hall.
64 Mr. McKee Has enlarged his store.
65 Nineteen hundred copies Nineteen hundred copies of the Normal Eyte will be sent out this week.
66 President Seerley The Seerley family visited Miss Satterthwait.
67 Prof. G. S. Ford Professor Ford has returned to Yale.
68 Several changes have been made in the faculty There are five faculty additions this fall.
69 The book business has received quite a boom Students have opened a new bookstore.
70 The Y. W. girls Sara Elizabeth Kaye serves as general secretary.
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71 The appearance of the gridiron and north campus North campus has been graded and leveled.
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# Article Article Summary
72 Bible Study
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Lesson I: The Apostolic Age from 30 to 100 A. D.