Issue Contents

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1 Rumors have been afloat Rumors about a student who might have been taking information to the Ames debate team are untrue.
2 Sunflowers challenge us; debate with Kansas Normal under consideration Kansas State Normal has proposed a debate for next May.
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3 College cane-rushes; Normal students unacquainted with class fights Normal students are too busy to engage in class rushing.
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4 During the game last Saturday Jack Streff could not be taken down in last Saturday's game.
5 Ex-Normalites meet Yale Two alumni, Guy Lowman and Paul Samson, played Yale as members of the Springfield Training School football team.
6 Notes on Music
Fullerton--Charles Alexander (Class of 1890; Music Faculty)
Rote singing.
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7 Training
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Some reasons why industrial training is necessary in the schools of today.
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8 A third grade in the Tama schools Mary Bruce is teaching in Tama.
9 A. T. Gifford A. T. Gifford is principal at Lynnville.
10 After teaching very successfully Ruth Marsh is studying at University of Iowa.
11 Avice Dailey Avice Dailey is teaching in Waterloo.
12 C. R. Golly C. R. Golly is principal at Fredericksburg.
13 Ceva Bezold Ceva Bezold is teaching near Waterloo.
14 Charles Stoakes Charles Stoakes is studying medicine at University of Nebraska.
15 Clarence Wassam Clarence Wassam is studying at S. U. I.
16 D. H. Rummel D. H. Rummel is teaching in Blairsburg.
17 E. S. Baker E. S. Baker is studying law at S. U. I.
18 Erma L. Krout Erma Krout is teaching in Fremont, Nebraska.
19 F. O. Smith F. O. Smith is teaching in Buffalo Center.
20 Genetta Bushyager Genetta Bushyager is studying at the Normal School in Greeley, Colorado.
21 Geneva Pike Geneva Pike is now teaching in Monticello, Minnesota.
22 Grace M. Harrison Grace Harrison is teaching in Ionia.
23 Ida Haroldson Ida Haroldson is teaching in Spirit Lake.
24 John Shearer John Shearer is teaching in Larrabee.
25 Katherine Cunningham Katherine Cunningham is spending the fall at home.
26 L. Mabel Dimmitt Mabel Dimmitt is teaching in Eldon.
27 Louise Moyer Louise Moyer is now studying at University of Chicago.
28 Maude Minnich Maude Minnich is teaching in Ireton.
29 Miss Emma A. Jackson Emma Jackson is teaching in Stanton.
30 Myrtle E. Putnam Myrtle Putnam is teaching in Redfield.
31 S. L. Thomas S. L. Thomas is teaching in Council Bluffs.
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32 A June wedding Gertrude Clark and E. W. Parker were married.
33 A wedding occurred in Minneapolis Faith Stuntz and Benjamin Boardman were married.
34 At Woodbine Nellie Canfield and Percy Kneeland were married.
35 Frances Drake Frances Drake resigned her position due to poor health.
36 George Cleveland George Cleveland is working for the Illinois Central Railroad.
37 Helen (Hull) Orr Helen Orr is visiting in Cedar Falls.
38 John P. Woodruff John Woodruff is teaching in Kemmerer, Wyoming.
39 Mary and Carrie King Mary and Carrie King were guests in Cedar Falls.
40 Midland Schools William Sparks is principal at Midland.
41 Miss Bessie May Allen Bessie Allen is principal at New Hartford.
42 The Southwestern Teachers Association Several Normalites included among officers.
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43 School Management
Colegrove--Chauncey Peter (Education Faculty)
The teacher as instructor.
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44 Beulah Koon Beulah Koon is teaching in Sutherland.
45 Clara Randall Clara Randall is spending the fall term at her home.
46 Emily Kempthorne Emily Kempthorne is teaching in Mason City.
47 Ernest Bean Ernest Bean is teaching in Gilman.
48 Etta Spangler Etta Spangler is assistant principal at Bagley.
49 Eva Weatherbe Eva Weatherbe is teaching in West Waterloo.
50 Frank Foulk Frank Foulk completing medical studies at University of Iowa.
51 Frank T. Negley Married Nellie Packer.
52 Ina Clump Ina Clump is teaching in Superior.
53 Margaret Campbell Margaret Campbell is teaching in Crary.
54 Miss Carrie Dunham Carrie Dunham is teaching in Charter Oak.
55 Miss Leanor Watson Leanor Watson is teaching at Lohrville.
56 Resolutions of sympathy The Philos express their sympathy over the death of George E. McCammond.
57 Winnie Kurtz Winnie Kurtz is teaching near Green Mountain.
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58 Ossoli Ossolis presented on "Grandmother's Old Soap Kettle."
59 Shake The Shakes enjoy a program on Egypt.
60 Society Society writers must turn in their reports on time in order for them to get published.
61 State Library Association The Iowa State Library Association met in Marshalltown; may have exhibit in St. Louis.
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62 Independence H. S. vs. Normal second team Normal was defeated, 12-0, in football.
63 Untitled The women paid for the fares of the men on the streetcar.
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64 Hockey matches The two hockey classes faced off, but neither was able to score a goal.
65 Normal 55, Lennox 0 Normal defeats Lennox in football game.
66 Untitled Professor Bender will have charge of the Iowa State Teacher's Association's semi-centennial program.
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67 A new picture A new picture of President Roosevelt has been added to Gilchrist Hall.
68 Blanche Renne Blanch Renne spent Saturday in Waterloo.
69 C. J. Schmitt C. J. Schmitt visited Dubuque.
70 Eleanor Oleson and Gertrude Graham Eleanor Oleson and Gertrude Graham gave orations at Chapel.
71 Grace A. Cole Grace Cole visited her home in Mason City.
72 Grace McKean Grace McKean entertained Lizzie Harrison.
73 Harry Loonan Harry Loonan visited the Hill.
74 Harry True Harry True visited Misses Remore and Van Pelt.
75 Hattie McCall Roberts Hattie McCall Roberts and Jennie McCall visited the Hill.
76 Iris Brown Iris Brown visited Tripoli.
77 Julia Piersol Julia Piersol has enrolled in the elocution department.
78 Mary Kurtz Mary Kurtz spent Saturday in Green Mountain.
79 Maud Weatherwax Maud Weatherwax entertained a young brother.
80 Miss Bess Kaye Miss Bess Kaye visited Grundy Center.
81 Miss Crowley Inazel Crowley sprained her ankle.
82 Miss Jennie Karr Jennie Karr spent Sunday with Frank Wilson.
83 Misses Gleo Misses Gleo, Nellie York and Miss Carpenter visited.
84 Monroe St. John Monroe St. John is continuing his studies here.
85 Mr. J. B. Knoepfler Professor Knoepfler is planning the school's exhibit for the St. Louis World's Fair; will draw on experience with the fair in Chicago.
86 Mrs. John H. Leavitt Ruth Davison was visited by her grandmother, Mrs. John H. Leavitt.
87 Nellie Tompkins Nellie Tompkins visited Grundy Center over the weekend.
88 Prof. Arey Professor Arey visited his son Rodney in Muscatine.
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89 A special train Cedar Falls students take excursion of six train cars to visit Dubuque.
90 A very merry party Kenneth Colegrove's birthday was celebrated.
91 Andrew S. MacCormach Andrew S. MacCormach wed Nellie Blackman.
92 In the program of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers' Association Many I. S. T. C. professors will be present at next conference.
93 Miss Georgia Worster Georgia Worster entertained friends.
94 One of the Lennox "subs" Lennox team cites higher enrollment as reason for our win.
95 When C. A. Wise and Co. heard C. A. Wise donated $10 to the Athletic Association.
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96 Bible Study
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
The church scattered abroad and preaching the word, A. D. 35-46.