Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Colleges advocate a change Recommend change in judging procedures.
2 Normal's exhibit; our school will be well represented at St. Louis Professor Knoepfler is in charge of the exhibit at the World's Fair; description of the material.
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3 Oratorical contest; Macy Campbell first, Albert Colegrove second, and J. A. Yeager third Report and judging card for the recent oratorical contest.
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4 Miss Rice is anxiously awaiting Would like to ask Hannibal and Julius Caesar some questions.
5 Notes On Music Professor Fullerton recommends music for women's glee clubs.
6 President Seerley Says that students who attend dances will get no help in securing teaching positions.
7 Two remarkable anniversaries have occurred here the past month The first anniversary commemorates Professor Bartlett's career; the second remembers a long courtship.
8 You should have Professor Arey advises students to have a set of atlases and a museum in their heads.
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9 Ada L. Blaska Will be assistant principal at Livermore.
10 After successful experience in the Manchester high school Jennie Speer is now teaching in West Waterloo.
11 Alice E. Taylor Married G. W. Neal.
12 C. J. Shaffer Graduated from medical school; now practicing in Carson, Iowa.
13 Daniel Jennings Farming in California.
14 E. D. Ede Received degree from University of Iowa; now superintendent in Centerville, South Dakota.
15 Edna E. Black Assistant principal at Pomeroy.
16 Excellent reports E. W. Vogel doing well in Newell.
17 Florence Rigby Recovering from scarlet fever.
18 Geo. Eckhard Visited campus.
19 Gertrude Riggs Teaching in Michigan.
20 Harry S. Stein Still principal in Danbury.
21 Isabel Shilliam Teaching in Denver, Iowa.
22 J. E. Barrett Studying law at Columbia University.
23 Jennie Huie Teaching in Dunlap.
24 Jo. Hansen Studying at Pratt Institute.
25 Joshua A. Edquist Professor at St. Peter, Minnesota.
26 Lucy Pingrey Teaching at Dows.
27 Mabelle Haley Teaching in Dunlap.
28 Mary L. Jensen Teaching at Dexter.
29 Maude E. Milliman Now Mrs. Carl Cochran; living in Boulder, Colorado.
30 On February 10 Soldier High School raised money for an organ; Charles Kroesen is in charge there.
31 Rena Fish Teaching in Nevada, Iowa.
32 Will Francis Teaching near Earlham.
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33 A great sorrow came to Mary (Pickrell) Michener Husband died of pneumonia.
34 Etta B. Conner Married the Reverend D. T. Travis.
35 Grace Troutner Read professional paper in Wisconsin.
36 J. H. Fellingham Preached in Baptist church.
37 J. O. Johnson Visited Cedar Falls.
38 The deepest sympathy of Normalites C. M. Corrigan was killed in a train wreck.
39 The many Waterloo friends of Miss Ceva Bezold Will be assistant principal in Traer.
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40 Aristo Presented Washington program.
42 Orio Enjoyed music; preparing for oratorical contest at Emporia.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Clio; leap year Presented Leap Year program.
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43 Chresto Presentation program included recitations and debate.
44 Zeta Presented colonial program.
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45 Alice Hawk Teaching in Washington state.
46 Jennie McMillan Teaching near Dunkerton.
47 Miss Gertrude Coffman At home in Kansas.
48 Miss Lou Watson Teaching at Boone; will return to school.
49 Miss Sadie Shirk Teaching in Armstrong.
50 Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ferguson Went to the Philippines.
51 The many friends made by Miss Gertrude White Gertrude White died of typhoid fever.
52 The marriage Edith Baker married Ralph B. Thompson.
53 Training
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Some publications dealing with the subject of history in the grades.
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54 A close game Western College of Toledo defeats Normal in basketball, 21-20.
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# Article Article Summary
55 Football accidents Table showing insurance claims paid due to injuries in varies sports.
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56 Rare fun, well done Preview of performance by cartoonist Alton Packard.
57 Y. W. C. A. Vespers service scheduled again; roster of potential officers; mission study group will continue.
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58 Austin Johnson Has the grippe.
59 Burt Kroesen Visited home; works as editor of Dumont newspaper.
60 Cedar Falls has a specimen ISNS has a specimen of radium.
61 Chas. D. Hurrey YMCA international secretary conducted devotions.
62 Dr. Gist Preached at Baptist church.
63 Edna Thatcher Recovered from illness.
64 Effie Bryson Went to Vinton.
65 Elsie Harland Left school to teach.
66 Everett Waters Principal at Allison.
67 Harry Kibe Visited Jack Streff.
68 Iva Colby Left school to teach.
69 Joe Stein and John Wooley Joined the Minnesingers.
70 Lloyd Simmons Went to Washington state.
71 Miss Drenning Will be away for a few weeks due to eye trouble.
72 Miss Falkler's sister Is ill.
73 Miss Valeria Secor Slipped on the ice and hurt her ankle.
74 Mr. Coleman Will be janitor in the old buildings.
75 Mr. J. F. Riggs Addressed chapel.
76 Mr. Robt. Fullerton Will go hunting.
77 Mrs. Alice Klinger Left school due to poor health.
78 Nellie Eastman Has been sick.
79 Prof. Colegrove Addressed farmers' institute in Clarion.
80 Prof. Colegrove Granted leave for rest of term; will go to California.
81 Rose Freeman Recovered from illness.
82 The Aristos
Lovitt--Ethel (Music Faculty)
Had their picture taken.
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83 A neat surprise was perpetrated Bible class gives Professor Gist a surprise birthday party.
84 Mr. Carl Abel Will be traveling salesman.
85 On Monday afternoon Western College defeated ISNS in basketball, 21-20; women's team challenged but did not play.
86 One of the entertainments Praise for performance of Bernhard Listeman Concert Company.
87 Saturday night Orios selected Ray Dix and C. O. Ruggles as contestants in debate.
88 The Anna Wiler Hall girls Entertained friends with a party.
89 The election of the Normal Eyte staff Macy Campbell elected editor-in-chief; T. E. Jones will be business manager; Blanche Renne will be local editor.
90 The Minnesingers and Cecilians Began work on H. M. S. Pinafore.
91 The Misses Shepherd Mourning death of brother from typhoid fever.
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92 An absent Clio Happy about the return of their goat.