Issue Contents

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1 Now for Ames; each society chooses two debaters Orios select Dallas Johnson and Charles Simmers; Philos select Carl Misseldine and Tom Conley; Aristos select H. G. Hayes and Carl Hoyt.
2 The state meet; Normal scared the "Big Four" ISNS finished fourth at the state track meet; Red Hamilton and Don Campbell did especially well; ISNS did better than expected; results of the meet.
3 This is the last number of volume fourteen of the Normal Eyte Staff thanks readers and subscribers.
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4 Reddy Hamilton Elected president of Athletic Association for a second year.
5 The athletic situation; Normal's prospects are brighter than ever before Believes that mandatory physical education is at least partially responsible for the success of ISNS athletics teams.
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6 Anna Black Will continue as principal in Dayton.
7 B. T. Youell Will continue as principal at Doon.
8 Byron J. Read Will continue teaching in Wyoming.
9 Charles Yeager Will continue at Keota.
10 Evelyn Miller Will be principal in West Waterloo.
11 Hattie McCall Roberts Will continue to teach in Zearing.
12 Ida Strawn Visited campus.
13 J. O. Huntley Will be principal at Casey.
14 Jennie McCall Will teach in Nevada schools.
15 John L. Shearer Will be principal at Ashton.
16 Joseph H. Anderson Now in Oklahoma.
17 Louisa Franklin Will continue to teach in Muscatine.
18 Sara Whitfield Will teach in Sanborn.
19 Sedona Fesenbeck Will teach in Humboldt.
20 T. R. Amlie Will be principal at Grand Junction.
21 The Denison schools Harry Savage is in charge there.
22 Those awful yells Examples of two college yells.
23 W. J. Dean Will remain in Belle Plaine.
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24 After a most successful year in Algona Alta Mathews will go to Kansas City.
25 After three years of successful work P. E. McClenahan resigned at Winterset and will study at the University of Iowa.
26 David Patten In charge in Pomeroy.
27 E. E. Waters Will continue as principal at Allison.
28 Edyth Sadler Will teach in Des Moines.
29 Ella Hoffman Will teach in Charles City.
30 F. H. Poots Will continue work in South Dakota.
31 Florence Clark Has been in Arizona.
32 Friends have received news Rose Southard Lantz died.
33 Gertrude Conner Visited campus.
34 H. E. Wheeler Will continue at Shenandoah.
35 Harry Freeburg Graduated from medical school in Minnesota.
36 Harry L. Eells Will continue at New Hartford.
37 Ida M. Fell Will remain in Clarence.
38 Jay M. Freeburg Graduated from dental school.
39 L. C. Bryan Will continue at Rockwell City.
40 Leslie Reed Will continue at Northwood.
41 Louis Pelzer Will be principal at Colfax.
42 Lura Chase Kingman Will teach in Cedar Falls.
43 May Wright May continue to teach in Red Oak.
44 Two members of the alumni association Genetta Bushyager and Grace E. Curtis graduated from normal school in Colorado.
45 Velma Roadman . . . and Iva Lamb Will continue to teach at Grundy Center.
46 W. E. Salisbury Will continue as superintendent in Clarinda.
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47 Ada Blaska Resigned at Livermore due to poor health.
48 After a very successful experience Eck Roberts resigned at Marathon to return to school.
49 Alice E. Wright Has been in Chicago area.
50 At the end of his first year's service G. S. Dick will remain at Red Oak.
51 Daniel R. Perkins Will visit home; has been working in the Philippine Islands.
52 Ella Ford Miller Will teach in Drake summer session.
53 Friends of A. W. Fuller Mourning loss of his wife.
54 H. E. Aldrich Working for life insurance company.
55 I. Maud Carr Married Mr. Bertram; will move to Alabama.
56 Isabella Boyd Has been praised for her work as an instructor and entertainer.
57 Sara P. Sherman Visited Cedar Falls after graduating from Columbia School of Expression in Chicago.
58 That Luella V. Simmons Named principal of Chicago Heights High School.
59 The many friends of J. G. McAlvin Now practicing medicine in Cedar Falls.
60 The superintendent of schools Charles Henry is doing well in Palouse, Washington.
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61 Jo Hansen Studying at Pratt Institute; will go to New York this summer.
62 Mabel Felmley Yaggy and husband Will be in the East for another year.
63 Miss Greta Beach Will marry W. G. Detwiler.
64 On May 4, 1904 Annette Barnum married Dr. Clarence V. Page.
65 Paul Samson Will be physical director at Emporia.
66 S. M. Coddington Resigned from work in South Dakota; will go to Danvers, Illinois.
67 The Bedford Free Press Praises work of several Normalites who teach there.
68 The Leon Journal Praises work of J. M. Pierce.
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69 Ames wins; good stick work by the Farmers makes the score 6 to 0 Ames defeats Normal in baseball.
70 Zeta Presented fads program.
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71 Aristo
72 Chresto Enjoyed picnic supper.
73 Clio Presented orations and debate.
74 Germania Enjoyed musical presentation.
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75 Alice Joy Teaching at Algona.
76 Bess Parmenter Will continue teaching at Panora.
77 Christie Todd Uncle died.
78 Clyde Jordan Brother visited.
79 Daisy Gibson
Lovitt--Ethel (Music Faculty)
Mother is visiting.
80 Edith and Clara Bell Hazlitt Teaching in Tripoli.
81 Eva J. Kephart Teaching in Cherokee.
82 Ida Davis Will continue to teach in Estherville.
83 Lona Reed Studying at University of California.
84 Lovina Barksdoll Teaching at Garrison.
85 M. C. Gilbert Will be principal at Quimby.
86 Married Herman Bodie married Edith Gilbert.
87 Miss Brandon Went to South Dakota.
88 Miss Curtiss and Miss Childs Pupils presented recital.
89 Miss Mabel Clair Will continue to teach at Greeley.
90 Miss Nellie Frye Teaching at Keokuk.
91 Miss Tilton Entertained friend.
92 Mrs. C. A. Fullerton Entertained friends.
93 Salome Van Winkle Teaching in Dysart.
94 Thos. Teakle Will teach at Storm Lake.
95 W. D. Van Tuyl Left school due to father's illness.
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96 Lucile Fey Visited Mount Vernon.
97 Miss Estella Paddock State YWCA secretary will go to Lake Geneva this summer.
98 Miss Fannie Dickey Completed second year of work at Bedford.
99 Miss Jennette Carpenter Will represent ISNS at Cornell College anniversary.
100 Miss Lillian Chantry Attended funeral of college friend, who was wife of former Coach Willis Edson.
101 Miss Riggs and Miss Knudsen Started on their trip to Europe.
102 On Monday afternoon Clios and Orios enjoyed picnic in the woods.
103 Saturday morning, bright and early Excursion train left for track meet in Des Moines.
104 Stella Merner Teaching near Ackley.
105 The Alpha annual is just finished Souvenir booklet is complete.
106 The Training School Gave a public program and exhibit.
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107 On Tuesday evening Aristos and Shakes have a party in Waterloo.
108 Ruby Ingersoll Visited sister Lucile.
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109 Training
Bender--Wilbur H. (Classes of 1886 and 1890; Education Faculty)
Exhibits of school work.